Publications of the institute
Journal Article (107)
Journal Article
23 (12), pp. 597 - 601 (2007)
Nuclear insertions of organellar DNA can create novel patches of functional exon sequences. Trends in Genetics 2.
Journal Article
134 (20), pp. 3639 - 3648 (2007)
Polycomb group proteins function in the female gametophyte to determine seed development in plants. Development 3.
Journal Article
44 (1), pp. 163 - 170 (2007)
Changes in soil chemistry associated with the establishment of forest gardens on eroded, acidified grassland soils in Sri Lanka. Biology and Fertility of Soils 4.
Journal Article
16 (4), pp. 437 - 448 (2007)
A leaf-based regeneration and transformation system for maize (Zea mays L.). Transgenic Research 5.
Journal Article
58 (3), pp. 579 - 591 (2007)
Does elevated atmospheric [CO2] alter diurnal C uptake and the balance of C and N metabolites in growing and fully expanded soybean leaves? Journal of Experimental Botany 6.
Journal Article
145 (4), pp. 1408 - 1422 (2007)
Silencing of the mitochondrial ascorbate synthesizing enzyme L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase affects plant and fruit development in tomato(1[w][OA]). Plant Physiology 7.
Journal Article
120 (16), pp. 2819 - 2827 (2007)
A conserved role for kinesin-5 in plant mitosis. Journal of Cell Science 8.
Journal Article
68 (16-18), pp. 2313 - 2319 (2007)
Determination of metabolic fluxes in a non-steady-state system. Phytochemistry 9.
Journal Article
143 (1), pp. 312 - 325 (2007)
The metabolic response of heterotrophic Arabidopsis cells to oxidative stress. Plant Physiology 10.
Journal Article
49 (5), pp. 810 - 828 (2007)
Analysis of the sucrose synthase gene family in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 11.
Journal Article
12, pp. 4 - 7 (2007)
Towards plastid transformation in maize. ISB News Report 12.
Journal Article
35 (21), pp. 7256 - 7266 (2007)
Faithful transcription initiation from a mitochondrial promoter in transgenic plastids. Nucleic Acids Research 13.
Journal Article
143 (3), pp. 1242 - 1251 (2007)
Increased air temperature during simulated autumn conditions does not increase photosynthetic carbon gain but affects the dissipation of excess energy in seedlings of the evergreen Conifer Jack Pine. Plant Physiology 14.
Journal Article
3, p. 7 (2007)
A quantitative RT-PCR platform for high-throughput expression profiling of 2500 rice transcription factors. Plant Methods 15.
Journal Article
18 (1), pp. 320 - 329 (2007)
Metabolic Synergy: Increasing Biosynthetic Capabilities by Network Cooperation. Genome Informatics 16.
Journal Article
226 (1), pp. 57 - 71 (2007)
Silencing of PR-10-like proteins in Medicago truncatula results in an antagonistic induction of other PR proteins and in an increased tolerance upon infection with the oomycete Aphanomyces euteiches. Planta 17.
Journal Article
52 (2), pp. 263 - 285 (2007)
Molecular phenotyping of lignin-modified tobacco reveals associated changes in cell-wall metabolism, primary metabolism, stress metabolism and photorespiration. Plant Journal 18.
Journal Article
70 (1-3), pp. 49 - 59 (2007)
Identification by suppression subtractive hybridization and expression analysis of Medicago truncatula putative defence genes in response to Orobanche crenata parasitization. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 19.
Journal Article
58 (8), pp. 2053 - 2067 (2007)
Functional analysis of the essential bifunctional tobacco enzyme 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase/shikimate dehydrogenase in transgenic tobacco plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 20.
Journal Article
144 (3), pp. 1328 - 1335 (2007)
Deletion of glycine decarboxylase in arabidopsis is lethal under nonphotorespiratory conditions. Plant Physiology 21.
Journal Article
6 (7), pp. 2768 - 2785 (2007)
Quantitation of multisite EGF receptor phosphorylation using mass spectrometry and a novel normalization approach. Journal of Proteome Research 22.
Journal Article
145 (3), pp. 640 - 652 (2007)
Alteration of organic acid metabolism in Arabidopsis overexpressing the maize C(4)NADP-malic enzyme causes accelerated senescence during extended darkness. Plant Physiology 23.
Journal Article
68 (3), pp. 796 - 801 (2007)
Crystal structure of a cyanobacterial sucrose-phosphatase in complex with glucose-containing disaccharides. Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics 24.
Journal Article
144 (3), pp. 1467 - 1480 (2007)
The COMATOSE ATP-binding cassette transporter is required for full fertility in arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 25.
Journal Article
63 (5), pp. 719 - 730 (2007)
ci21A/Asr1 expression influences glucose accumulation in potato tubers. Plant Molecular Biology 26.
Journal Article
49 (4), pp. 729 - 739 (2007)
Nitrogen deficiency in Arabidopsis affects galactolipid composition and gene expression and results in accumulation of fatty acid phytyl esters. Plant Journal 27.
Journal Article
8, p. 260 (2007)
Genome-wide analysis of ABA-responsive elements ABRE and CE3 reveals divergent patterns in Arabidopsis and rice. BMC Genomics 28.
Journal Article
19 (11), pp. 3723 - 3738 (2007)
Glycolytic enzymes associate dynamically with mitochondria in response to respiratory demand and support substrate channeling. Plant Cell 29.
Journal Article
3, p. 146 (2007)
The stability and robustness of metabolic states: identifying stabilizing sites in metabolic networks. Molecular Systems Biology 30.
Journal Article
35 (Web Server issue), pp. W613 - W618 (2007)
MetaPath Online: a web server implementation of the network expansion algorithm. Nucleic Acids Research 31.
Journal Article
176 (3), pp. 537 - 549 (2007)
Hybrid weakness controlled by the dosage-dependent lethal (DL) gene system in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is caused by a shoot-derived inhibitory signal leading to salicylic acid-associated root death. New Phytologist 32.
Journal Article
144 (2), pp. 752 - 767 (2007)
Phosphorus stress in common bean: Root transcript and metabolic responses. Plant Physiology 33.
Journal Article
1768 (6), pp. 1611 - 1619 (2007)
Fructans from oat and rye: Composition and effects on membrane stability during drying. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 34.
Journal Article
68 (16-18), pp. 2258 - 2272 (2007)
GC-EI-TOF-MS analysis of in vivo carbon-partitioning into soluble metabolite pools of higher plants by monitoring isotope dilution after 13CO2 labelling. Phytochemistry 35.
Journal Article
8, p. 216 (2007)
ProMEX: a mass spectral reference database for proteins and protein phosphorylation sites. BMC Bioinformatics 36.
Journal Article
50 (6), pp. 967 - 981 (2007)
Transcript and metabolite profiling during cold acclimation of Arabidopsis reveals an intricate relationship of cold-regulated gene expression with modifications in metabolite content. Plant Journal 37.
Journal Article
17 (13), pp. 1116 - 1122 (2007)
The BRI1-associated kinase 1, BAK1, has a Brassinoli-independent role in plant cell-death control. Current Biology 38.
Journal Article
49 (6), pp. 1076 - 1090 (2007)
A plastid-localized glycogen synthase kinase 3 modulates stress tolerance and carbohydrate metabolism. Plant Journal 39.
Journal Article
2 (Supplement 1), pp. 90 - 91 (2007)
A tool for efficient data collection based on controlled vocabulary and the entity-value model. Journal fuer Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit - Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 40.
Journal Article
355 (1), pp. 89 - 96 (2007)
Plant protein phosphorylation monitored by capillary liquid chromatography-element mass spectrometry. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 41.
Journal Article
1, p. 53 (2007)
Unbiased characterization of genotype-dependent metabolic regulations by metabolomic approach in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Systems Biology 42.
Journal Article
175 (4), pp. 2009 - 2017 (2007)
Analysis of a triple testcross design with recombinant inbred lines reveals a significant role of epistasis in heterosis for biomass-related traits in Arabidopsis. Genetics 43.
Journal Article
177 (3), pp. 1839 - 1850 (2007)
Heterosis for biomass-related traits in Arabidopsis investigated by quantitative trait loci analysis of the triple testcross design with recombinant inbred lines. Genetics 44.
Journal Article
226 (2), pp. 347 - 360 (2007)
Transcriptional analysis of petal organogenesis in Gerbera hybrida. Planta 45.
Journal Article
144 (3), pp. 1495 - 1507 (2007)
Medicago truncatula root nodule proteome analysis reveals differential plant and bacteroid responses to drought stress. Plant Physiology 46.
Journal Article
6 (7), pp. 2866 - 2873 (2007)
Neutral loss-based phosphopeptide recognition: A collection of caveats. Journal of Proteome Research 47.
Journal Article
144 (3), pp. 1546 - 1558 (2007)
NAD-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase mutants of arabidopsis suggest the enzyme is not limiting for nitrogen assimilation. Plant Physiology 48.
Journal Article
19 (11), pp. 3669 - 3691 (2007)
Downregulation of cinnamoyl-coenzyme a reductase in poplar: multiple-level phenotyping reveals effects on cell wall polymer metabolism and structure. Plant Cell 49.
Journal Article
50 (2), pp. 265 - 277 (2007)
The chloroplast HSP70B-CDJ2-CGE1 chaperones catalyse assembly and disassembly of VIPP1 oligomers in Chlamydomonas. Plant Journal 50.
Journal Article
52 (5-6), pp. 267 - 274 (2007)
OrganellarGenomeDRAW (OGDRAW): a tool for the easy generation of high-quality custom graphical maps of plastid and mitochondrial genomes. Current Genetics