Press Releases

Press Releases

The press department of the MPI-MP publishes press releases on mayor scientific discoveries, projects and events taking place at the institute. If you need additional information or material, please do not hesitate to contact the press information officers.

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The Consolidator Grantees of the MPG 2024 (from left to right): Marcel Böhme, Mario Flock, Manuel Gomez Rodriguez, Mariana Rossi, Birgit Stiller, Henning Fenselau, Duarte Figueiredo, Valerie Hilgers, Andrea Martin.

In a European comparison, the MPG is in second place more

ERC grant for a pollen-free future

Researchers want to protect crops against the climate crisis more

Top research made in Potsdam

Top research made in Potsdam

November 26, 2024

Max Planck Institute employs five of the world's most cited scientists more

Viable seeds produced by Capsella orientalis on the left side and collapsed, non-viable seeds produced by crossing Capsella orientalis with its near relative Capsella rubella. A lack of maternal small RNA was found responsible for this discrepancy in seed quality.

Scientists Uncover Vital Role of Maternal Small RNAs in Plant Breeding more

The experimental fields of the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology will harvest plants as well as clean energy in the future.

Effective energy concept for innovative research more

Rice with a high protein content developed

Researchers are breeding protein-rich rice varieties that cause minimal increase in blood sugar levels more

ERC funds fundamental research on chloroplast and mitochondrial inheritance

Dr. Kin Pan Chung, a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology (MPI-MP) in Potsdam Germany, receives an ERC Starting Grant worth € 1.5 million for the project “CytoInP” to investigate cytoplasmic inheritance in plants. This prestigious grant will enable Chung to expand his newly established team at the Wageningen University & Research (WUR) in the Netherlands, where he will realize this ambitious endeavor.

Jeff Schell Prizes awarded for unraveling an assembly line in plants and a parental conflict in seeds

Dr. David Rolo and Dr. Nicolas Butel receive the Jeff Schell Prize for excellent young scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology

Conserving our natural world through synthetic genomes

Postdoctoral researcher from Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology receives prestigious fellowship. more

Potsdam Researcher Awarded Prestigious Research Grant to Optimize Plant-Microbe Interactions for Improved Crop Yields

Alexander Förderer from the Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology receives €2.85 million from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to study the harmful and beneficial relationships between plants and the microbes that surround them.

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