How to join us for a PhD

You would like to join us as a doctoral researcher, to earn a PhD degree? Here, you find information about the different ways of joining our research groups.
We collaborate closely with the University of Potsdam. Our doctoral researchers are registered as doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Science of the University of Potsdam.

The next application round for the IMPRS MolPlant will open in January 2025, for PhD positions to start in the second half of 2025. 


First steps

Inform yourself about our research. This is important so that you can (a) decide if your interests and background fit with our research areas and questions, and (b) approach the group leaders whose research is of interest to you in a specific manner. Information about our institute and research groups can be found if you explore the links in the navigation panel on the top of this page.

Check if you fulfil the degree requirements. To be accepted as doctoral candidate by the Faculty of Science of the University of Potsdam, you must hold a Master or equivalent degree in a subject relevant to your PhD research. In exceptional cases, candidates who hold an excellent BSc (4-year degree with research thesis; 1st class honours) may be accepted. These candidates may need to fulfil additional course requirements during their doctorate. Additional requirements will be defined on a case-by-case basis.

Decide which application path - see below! - best suits your interests, needs and time-line. It is possible to apply via more than one path. Note that the PhD positions offered in path 1 and 2 below include funding. Path 3 is an option if you are thinking about joining us with your own scholarship. 

If you have any questions about joining the MPI-MP as PhD researcher, please feel free to contact the Doctoral Programme Coordinator, Ina Talke.


Path 1: Apply for a project

PhD positions for specific projects in our research groups are offered and advertised throughout the year. They are advertised when they open, with individual application deadlines. Have a regular look at our Job Offers

Even if there are no doctoral positions on offer, you can send us your application. Please send your application to our human resources team, clearly describing your research background and interests, and naming the research groups you would like to work with. To make initial contact with one of our research groups, please contact our human resources team as well, clearly stating the research group and name of the group leader.

>> Open PhD positions in MPI-MP research groups are advertised throughout the year on our Job Offers page.


Path 2: Apply in an application call of the IMPRS MolPlant

The IMPRS for Molecular Plant Science holds regular application calls, once per year. The IMPRS application portal is usually open in December and January. Application deadlines are announced on this website.

In an IMPRS application, you apply for research groups that you are interested in, not for specific projects. The PhD positions offered in IMPRS calls are awarded after the IMPRS interviews. You can learn more about the IMPRS application and interview procedure all year round by exploring the links in the navigation panel on the left hand side of this page.

>> Application calls and interviews for PhD positions awarded through the IMPRS MolPlant are held once per year.


Path 3: Apply for your own scholarship or funding

You know best what scholarships opportunities for a doctorate abroad are on offer in your home country and when the application calls and deadlines are. Inform yourself about the research done in our research groups and establish contact with those group leaders whose research fits with your interest and backgrouund. Show your interest in their research and let them know specifically why you would like to apply for your own scholarship to join their group. Important: Establish contact well before the application deadline. It takes time to find out if your and the group leader's interests match, and then write the application for a scholarship.

You apply for your own scholarship or funding, for example from your home country, the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), or other grant-giving institutions. >> Establish contact with a research group leader who can be your supervisor and host during your doctorate.



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