Potsdam Science Park - We live Science

Potsdam Science Park - We live Science

The Potsdam Science Park in Golm is the largest and fastest growing location for innovative solutions in Brandenburg. More than 12.500 people conduct research, work and study here in the fields of biotechnology, medical technology, optics, geosciences, astro and gravitational physics and other areas.

The park is home to three Max Planck Institutes, two Fraunhofer Institutes and the University of Potsdam. Together they make Potsdam-Golm an excellent location for research in the fields of life sciences, chemistry, physics, polymer research and analytics.

Scientific-related companies are likewise a central component of the Potsdam Science Park. Around 30 companies and start-ups have already decided in favour of this innovative location. The Park management’s goal is to attract another 100 small and medium-sized companies to the park over the next ten years.

Research and a good life go hand in hand. The Potsdam Science Park offers an inspiring and innovative environment for all those who want to do research, study, start a business or invest here.

Get to know this inspiring location!

If you would like to have more information about this inspiring location, visit the Potsdam Science Park website, have a look at this little brochure or get to know the location via a short video.

If you have any questions or you would like to visit the Potsdam Science Park, please contact:

Standortmanagement Golm GmbH 
Am Mühlenberg 11
14476 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (0)331 – 237 351 135
E-Mail: info@potsdam-sciencepark.de
Website: https://potsdam-sciencepark.de/en/


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