Former Research Group Leaders

The websites of former research group leader are transfered to this site. The group leaders have moved on to jobs in industry or to universities in Germany and abroad.
Group: "Amino Acid and Sulfur Metabolism" [more]
Group: „Regulation of Photosynthesis“
New position: Professir at Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf [more]
Group "Developmental Physiology and Genomics"
New position: Head of the Department of Molecular Genetics, IPK Gatersleben [more]
Group: "Metabolic Regulation of Plant Growth" [more]
Group: Stress Control Networks
New position: Associate professor at the University of Leiden, Netherlands [more]
Group "Systems and Synthetic Metabolism"
Group leader from 2015 until 2020 [more]
Guest Group: “Genetics of Metabolic Traits”
New position: Associate Professor, Ben-Gurion University of Negev [more]
Group "Plant Lipids"
New position: Head of the Department of Molecular Biotechnology, University Bonn [more]
Group "Energy Metabolism"
New Position: Professor RWTH Aachen University [more]
Group "Systems Biology and Mathematical Modelling"
New position: Head of Institute of Quantitative and Theoretical Biology [more]
Group "Metabolomic Analysis"
New position: Full Professor, Metabolomics, Genome Center, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California [more]
Group "Storage Carbohydrate Metabolism"
New position: Chair of Plant Metabolism, Ludwigs-Maximilian-University, Munich [more]
Group "Experimental Systems Biology"
New Position: Head of Metabolomics Core Facility, Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing
Group "Plant Proteomics"
New position: Freelancer [more]
Group “Cytoplasmic and Evolutionary Genetics” [more]
Group "Plant-Enviroment Interactions"
New Position: Chair of Plant Biotechnology, Universität Stuttgart [more]
Group "Genomics and Transcript profiling”
Group leader from 2002 until 2020 [more]
Group "Micro- and Protein-Analysis"
New position: Head of Research Unit - Molecular Plant Genetics - Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology - University of Hamburg [more]
Group "Bioinformatics"
New position: Head of bioinformatics at Scienion A.G [more]
Group "Carbohydrate Molecular Physiology"
New Position: Director of the Institute for Plant Biotechnology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa [more]
Group "Plant Microbe Interactions"
New position: Professor for Botany at the University Leipzig [more]
Group "Metal Homeostasis"
New Position: Chair of Plant Physiology, Ruhr University, Bochum [more]
Group: Molecular Mechanisms of Plant Adaptation
New Position: Associate Professor in Genomics-based Plant Science, University of Helsinki [more]
Group "Gene Function" [more]
Group "Regulatory Networks"
New position: Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University Singapore [more]
Group "System Integration" [more]
Group "Plant Cell Walls"
New Position: Head of the Institute of Plant Cell Biology, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf [more]
Group "Plant Cell Walls"
New Position: Professor at the Section for Plant Glycobiology, University of Copenhagen [more]
Group: “Algal Biomineralization”
New Position: Chair of Microalgal cell and molecular Biology (Heisenberg) [more]
Group "Molecular Genomics"
New position: Professor, Nobel Foundation, USA [more]
Group "Genome Structure and Function"
New Position: Research Group Leader Genome Plasticity, IPK Gatersleben [more]
Group "Plant Molecular Chaperone Networks and Stress"
New Position: Professor of Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Kaiserslautern. Head of the department. [more]
Group "Signalling Proteomics"
New position: Professor, Head of Plant Systems Biology, University of Hohenheim [more]
Group: Small-Molecule Signalling
New position: Professor at the Boyce Thompson Institute and the Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA [more]
Group "Systems Metabolomics"
New Position: Computational Biology, targenomix GmbH
Group "Translational analysis of the secondary metabolism"
New Position: Associate Professor, Nara Institute of Science and Technology [more]
New position: Chief Science Executive, Metanomics [more]
CRGroup: “Plant Signalling” (1998–2010) [more]
Group "Molecular Plant Nutrition"
Neue Position: Professor, The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation [more]
Group "Integrative Carbon Biology"
New position: Professor Department of Biology RWTH Aachen University [more]
Group: "Metabolism and Development" [more]
Group "Integrative Proteomics and Metabolomics"
New position: Professor and Head of the Department for Molecular Systems Biology (MoSys) at the University of Vienna [more]
Group: Nucleotides and Sugars
New position: Research Group Secondary Metabolites, IGZ Großbeeren [more]
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