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Journal Article (195)

Journal Article
Omidbakhshfard, M. A., Proost, S., Fujikura, U. & Mueller-Roeber, B. Growth-Regulating Factors (GRFs): A Small Transcription Factor Family with Important Functions in Plant Biology. Molecular Plant 8, 998–1010 (2015).
Journal Article
Alseekh, S., Tohge, T., Wendenburg, R., Scossa, F., Omranian, N., Li, J., Kleessen, S., Giavalisco, P., Pleban, T., Mueller-Roeber, B., Zamir, D., Nikoloski, Z. & Fernie, A. R. Identification and mode of inheritance of quantitative trait Loci for secondary metabolite abundance in tomato. The Plant Cell 27, 485–512 (2015).
Journal Article
Engqvist, M. K. M., Schmitz, J., Gertzmann, A., Florian, A., Jaspert, N., Arif, M., Balazadeh, S., Mueller-Roeber, B., Fernie, A. R. & Maurino, V. G. GLYCOLATE OXIDASE3, a Glycolate Oxidase Homolog of Yeast l-Lactate Cytochrome c Oxidoreductase, Supports l-Lactate Oxidation in Roots of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 169, 1042–61 (2015).
Journal Article
Garapati, P., Feil, R., Lunn, J. E., Van Dijck, P., Balazadeh, S. & Mueller-Roeber, B. Transcription Factor Arabidopsis Activating Factor1 Integrates Carbon Starvation Responses with Trehalose Metabolism. Plant Physiology 169, 379–390 (2015).
Journal Article
Koeslin-Findeklee, F., Rizi, V. S., Becker, M. A., Parra-Londono, S., Arif, M., Balazadeh, S., Mueller-Roeber, B., Kunze, R. & Horst, W. J. Transcriptomic analysis of nitrogen starvation- and cultivar-specific leaf senescence in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Plant Science 233, 174–185 (2015).
Journal Article
Lotkowska, M. E., Tohge, T., Fernie, A. R., Xue, G.-P., Balazadeh, S. & Mueller-Roeber, B. The Arabidopsis Transcription Factor MYB112 Promotes Anthocyanin Formation during Salinity and under High Light Stress. Plant Cell Physiology 169, 1862–1880 (2015).
Journal Article
Omranian, N., Kleessen, S., Tohge, T., Klie, S., Basler, G., Mueller-Roeber, B., Fernie, A. R. & Nikoloski, Z. Differential metabolic and coexpression networks of plant metabolism. Trends in Plant Science 20, 266–268 (2015).
Journal Article
Omranian, N., Mueller-Roeber, B. & Nikoloski, Z. Segmentation of biological multivariate time-series data. Scientific Reports 5, 8937–8937 (2015).
Journal Article
Proost, S., Van Bel, M., Vaneechoutte, D., Van de Peer, Y., Inze, D., Mueller-Roeber, B. & Vandepoele, K. PLAZA 3.0: an access point for plant comparative genomics. Nucleic Acids Research 43, D974–D981 (2015).
Journal Article
Wang, T., Tohge, T., Ivakov, A., Mueller-Roeber, B., Fernie, A. R., Mutwil, M., Schippers, J. H. M. & Persson, S. Salt-Related MYB1 Coordinates Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis and Signaling during Salt Stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 169, 1027–1041 (2015).
Journal Article
Balazadeh, S., Schildhauer, J., Araujo, W. L., Munne-Bosch, S., Fernie, A. R., Proost, S., Humbeck, K. & Mueller-Roeber, B. Reversal of senescence by N resupply to N-starved Arabidopsis thaliana: transcriptomic and metabolomic consequences. Journal of Experimental Botany 65, 3975–3992 (2014).
Journal Article
Lu, D., Wang, T., Persson, S., Mueller-Roeber, B., Mueller-Roeber, B. & Schippers, J. H. M. Transcriptional control of ROS homeostasis by KUODA1 regulates cell expansion during leaf development. Nature Communications 5, (2014).
Journal Article
Mettler, T., Mühlhaus, T., Hemme, D., Schöttler, M. A., Rupprecht, J., Idoine, A., Veyel, D., Pal, S. K., Yaneva-Roder, L., Winck, F. V., Sommer, F., Vosloh, D., Seiwert, B., Erban, A., Burgos, A., Arvidsson, S., Schönfelder, S., Arnold, A., Günther, M., Krause, U., Lohse, M., Kopka, J., Nikoloski, Z., Mueller-Roeber, B., Willmitzer, L., Bock, R., Schroda, M. & Stitt, M. Systems Analysis of the Response of Photosynthesis, Metabolism, and Growth to an Increase in Irradiance in the Photosynthetic Model Organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Plant Cell 26, 2310–2350 (2014).
Journal Article
Schmidt, R., Caldana, C., Mueller-Roeber, B. & Schippers, J. H. M. The contribution of SERF1 to root-to-shoot signalling during salinity stress in rice. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9, (2014).
Journal Article
Schmidt, R., Schippers, J. H. M., Mieulet, D., Watanabe, M., Hoefgen, R., Guiderdoni, E. & Mueller-Roeber, B. SALT-RESPONSIVE ERF1 Is a Negative Regulator of Grain Filling and Gibberellin-Mediated Seedling Establishment in Rice. Molecular Plant 7, 404–421 (2014).
Journal Article
Mueller-Roeber, B. & Balazadeh, S. Auxin and Its Role in Plant Senescence. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 33, 21–33 (2013).
Journal Article
Omidbakhshfard, M. A., Wink, F. V., Arvidsson, S., Riaño-Pachón, D. M. & Mueller-Roeber, B. A Step-by-Step Protocol for Formaldehyde-Assisted Isolation of Regulatory Elements (FAIRE) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 56, (2013).
Journal Article
Rauf, M., Arif, M., Fisahn, J., Xue, G. P., Balazadeh, S. & Mueller-Roeber, B. NAC Transcription Factor SPEEDY HYPONASTIC GROWTH Regulates Flooding-Induced Leaf Movement in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 25, 4941–4955 (2013).
Journal Article
Scarpeci, T. E., Zanor, M. I., Mueller-Roeber, B. & Valle, E. M. Overexpression of AtWRKY30 enhances abiotic stress tolerance during early growth stages in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology 83, 265–277 (2013).
Journal Article
Schmidt, R., Schippers, J. H. M., Mieulet, D., Obata, T., Fernie, A. R., Guiderdoni, E. & Mueller-Roeber, B. MULTIPASS, a rice R2R3-type MYB transcription factor, regulates adaptive growth by integrating multiple hormonal pathways. Plant Journal 76, 258–273 (2013).
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