Publikationen, gefiltert
Zeitschriftenartikel (191)
3 (12), e952 (2023)
Plant Sample Collection and Shipment for Multi-omic Analyses and Phytosanitary Evaluation. Current Protocols 2.
241 (3), S. 1144 - 1160 (2023)
Genomic imprints of unparalleled growth. New Phytologist 3.
16 (12), S. 1951 - 1961 (2023)
Synthetic biology identifies the minimal gene set required for Paclitaxel biosynthesis in a plant chassis. Molecular Plant 4.
14 (1), 2687 (2023)
Widening the landscape of transcriptional regulation of green algal photoprotection. Nature Communications 5.
28 (12), S. 1347 - 1349 (2023)
FCS-like zinc finger proteins maintain energy homeostasis during stresses. Trends in Plant Science 6.
5 (4), lqad097 (2023)
Predictions of DNA mechanical properties at a genomic scale reveal potentially new functional roles of DNA flexibility. NAR: genomics and bioinformatics 7.
46 (12), S. 3721 - 3736 (2023)
The interplay between autophagy and chloroplast vesiculation pathways under dark-induced senescence. Plant, Cell and Environment 8.
10 (12), uhad224 (2023)
Characterization of PetM cytochrome b6f subunit 7 domain-containing protein in tomato. Horticulture Research 9.
240 (5), S. 1961 - 1975 (2023)
The genetic and physiological basis of Arabidopsis thaliana tolerance to Pseudomonas viridiflava. New Phytologist 10.
116 (5), S. 1199 - 1200 (2023)
If you go down to the woods today you're in for a big surprise: mapping the diverse phenotypes of the European woodland strawberry. The Plant Journal 11.
116 (4), S. 1172 - 1193 (2023)
The interplay of post-translational protein modifications in Arabidopsis leaves during photosynthesis induction. The Plant Journal 12.
24 (23), 17035 (2023)
Metabolome Profiling of Marrubium peregrinum L. and Marrubium friwaldskyanum Boiss Reveals Their Potential as Sources of Plant-Based Pharmaceuticals. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13.
13 (1), 5712 (2023)
The unraveling of balanced complexes in metabolic networks. Scientific Reports 14.
14 (1), 2682 (2023)
Engineering a new-to-nature cascade for phosphate-dependent formate to formaldehyde conversion in vitro and in vivo. Nature Communications 15.
206, 112533 (2023)
Sulfur metabolism in durian pulps: Factors contributing to the production of volatile sulfur compounds during fruit ripening. Postharvest Biology and Technology 16.
122, 105434 (2023)
Chemical characterization of dicaffeoyl polyamine derivatives to understand specific secondary metabolites in goji berry. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 17.
14 (1), 986 (2023)
Cross-stress gene expression atlas of Marchantia polymorpha reveals the hierarchy and regulatory principles of abiotic stress responses. Nature Communications 18.
132 (7), S. 1233 - 1248 (2023)
The ORGAN SIZE (ORG) locus modulates both vegetative and reproductive gigantism in domesticated tomato. Annals of Botany 19.
6, 529 (2023)
Singlet oxygen-induced signalling depends on the metabolic status of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cell. Communications Biology 20.
193 (3), S. 2037 - 2054 (2023)
Genome-Wide Association Study unveils ascorbate regulation by PAS/LOV PROTEIN during high light acclimation. Plant Physiology 21.
116 (4), S. 1152 - 1171 (2023)
A Comprehensive Metabolomics and Lipidomics Atlas for the Legumes Common Bean, Chickpea, Lentil and Lupin. The Plant Journal 22.
81, S. 167 - 181 (2023)
Engineering and evolution of the complete Reductive Glycine Pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for formate and CO2 assimilation. Metabolic Engineering 23.
14, 7242 (2023)
Coordinated regulation of the entry and exit steps of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis supports the dual lignin pathway in grasses. Nature Communications 24.
116 (4), S. 967 - 973 (2023)
Editorial: The past, present and future of The Plant Journal Resource Articles. The Plant Journal 25.
193 (3), S. 1970 - 1986 (2023)
Eukaryote-specific assembly factor DEAP2 mediates an early step of photosystem II assembly in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 26.
20 (208), 20230426 (2023)
Assessing the impacts of genetic defects on starch metabolism in Arabidopsis plants using the carbon homeostasis model. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 27.
14, 1140829 (2023)
A simulation-free constrained regression approach for flux estimation in isotopically nonstationary metabolic flux analysis with applications in microalgae. Frontiers in Plant Science 28.
4 (5), 100594 (2023)
Diel dynamics of multi-omics in elkhorn fern provide new insights into weak CAM photosynthesis. Plant Communications 29.
80, S. 184 - 192 (2023)
Accurate prediction of in vivo protein abundances by coupling constraint-based modelling and machine learning. Metabolic Engineering 30.
42, e113595 (2023)
Histone retention preserves epigenetic marks during heat stress-induced transcriptional memory in plants. The EMBO Journal 31.
65 (11), S. 2505 - 2518 (2023)
Elucidation of the melitidin biosynthesis pathway in pummelo. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 32.
120 (48), e2308587120 (2023)
Tree architecture: A strigolactone-deficient mutant reveals a connection between branching order and auxin gradient along the tree stem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33.
175 (6), e14070 (2023)
Identification of ascorbate- and salicylate-responsive miRNAs and verification of the spectral control of miR395 in Arabidopsis. Physiologia Plantarum 34.
14 (1), 7052 (2023)
Growth in fluctuating light buffers plants against photorespiratory perturbations. Nature Communications 35.
116 (4), S. 1136 - 1151 (2023)
Multi-year field trials provide a massive repository of trait data on a highly diverse population of tomato and uncover novel determinants of tomato productivity. The Plant Journal 36.
4 (5), 100635 (2023)
The conditional mitochondrial protein complexome in Arabidopsis thaliana root and shoot. Plant Communications 37.
116 (1), S. 251 - 268 (2023)
Arabidopsis BBX14 negatively regulates nitrogen starvation- and dark-induced leaf senescence. The Plant Journal 38.
51 (20), S. 11386 - 11400 (2023)
An RNA thermometer in the chloroplast genome of Chlamydomonas facilitates temperature-controlled gene expression. Nucleic Acids Research 39.
14 (10), S. 819 - 821 (2023)
Observations and implication of thermal tolerance in the Arabidopsis proteome. Cell Systems 40.
19 (10), e1011549 (2023)
PARROT: Prediction of enzyme abundances using protein-constrained metabolic models. PLoS Computational Biology 41.
9, S. 1818 - 1831 (2023)
Targeted knockout of a conserved plant mitochondrial gene by genome editing. Nature Plants 42.
3, 43 (2023)
Short wind pulses consistently change the morphology of roots, but not of shoots, across young plants of different growth forms. Stress-the International Journal on the Biology of Stress 43.
120 (42), e2302069120 (2023)
Salicylic acid and RNA interference mediate antiviral immunity of plant stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 44.
116 (1), S. 38 - 57 (2023)
Efficient sugar utilization and transition from oxidative to substrate-level phosphorylation in high starch storage roots of African cassava genotypes. The Plant Journal 45.
74 (20), S. 6331 - 6348 (2023)
Starch deficiency in tomato causes transcriptional reprogramming that modulates fruit development, metabolism, and stress responses. Journal of Experimental Botany 46.
214, 105472 (2023)
Differential Aluminum tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes is seemingly related to metabolite changes. Environmental and Experimental Botany 47.
335, 111819 (2023)
Analysis of the Arabidopsis venosa4-0 Mutant Supports the Role of VENOSA4 in dNTP Metabolism. Plant Science 48.
203, 108008 (2023)
Abscisic acid promotes plant acclimation to the combination of salinity and high light stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49.
10 (12), uhad216 (2023)
Cucumber malate decarboxylase, CsNADP-ME2, functions in the balance of carbon and amino acid metabolism in fruit. Horticulture Research 50.
51 (21), S. 11876 - 11892 (2023)
Dynamics of ribosome composition and ribosomal protein phosphorylation in immune signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nucleic Acids Research