Publikationen, gefiltert
Zeitschriftenartikel (171)
4, 540 (2013)
Reconstruction and analysis of nutrient-induced phosphorylation networks in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science 2.
4, 499 (2013)
Comparative metabolic profiling of Haberlea rhodopensis, Thellungiella halophyla, and Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to low temperature. Frontiers in Plant Science 3.
200 (4), S. 1064 - 1075 (2013)
Starch synthase 4 is essential for coordination of starch granule formation with chloroplast division during Arabidopsis leaf expansion. New Phytologist 4.
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate Influences PIN Polarization by Controlling Clathrin-Mediated Membrane Trafficking in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell (2013)
164 (2), S. 907 - 921 (2013)
Double knock-out mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana grown under normal conditions reveal that the plastidial phosphorylase isozyme (PHS1) participates in transitory starch metabolism. Plant Physiology 6.
33 (1), S. 21 - 33 (2013)
Auxin and Its Role in Plant Senescence. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 7.
8 (11), e27104 (2013)
The essential role of the phosphorylated pathway of serine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 8.
56 (1) (2013)
A Step-by-Step Protocol for Formaldehyde-Assisted Isolation of Regulatory Elements (FAIRE) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 9.
25 (12), S. 4941 - 4955 (2013)
NAC Transcription Factor SPEEDY HYPONASTIC GROWTH Regulates Flooding-Induced Leaf Movement in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 10.
9 (12), e1003368 (2013)
Structural control of metabolic flux. PLoS Computational Biology 11.
77 (5), S. 688 - 699 (2013)
Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4. The Plant Journal 12.
4, 439 (2013)
Plant cell shape: modulators and measurements. Frontiers in Plant Science 13.
14, S. 793 - 793 (2013)
Transcriptome sequencing and microarray design for functional genomics in the extremophile Arabidopsis relative Thellungiella salsuginea (Eutrema salsugineum). BMC Genomics 14.
5 (11), S. 4305- - 4323 (2013)
Systems-Level Analysis of Nitrogen Starvation-Induced Modifications of Carbon Metabolism in a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Starchless Mutant. The Plant Cell 15.
13 (184) (2013)
Metabolic profiling and network analysis reveal coordinated changes in grapevine water stress response. BMC Plant Biology 16.
64 (16), S. 5049 - 5063 (2013)
Metabolic analysis of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) berries from extreme genotypes reveals hallmarks for fruit starch metabolism. Journal of Experimental Botany 17.
19 (4), S. 212 - 221 (2013)
Towards revealing the functions of all genes in plants. Trends in Plant Science 18.
163 (3), S. 1164 - 1178 (2013)
Functional Characterization of the Plastidial 3-Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Family in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 19.
18 (10), S. 536 - 538 (2013)
Resolution by recombination: breaking up Solanum pennellii introgressions. Trends in Plant Science 20.
25 (10), S. 3926 - 3943 (2013)
The PHOTOSYNTHESIS AFFECTED MUTANT68-LIKE Protein Evolved from a PSII Assembly Factor to Mediate Assembly of the Chloroplast NAD(P)H Dehydrogenase Complex in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 21.
83 (3), S. 265 - 277 (2013)
Overexpression of AtWRKY30 enhances abiotic stress tolerance during early growth stages in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology 22.
76 (2), S. 258 - 273 (2013)
MULTIPASS, a rice R2R3-type MYB transcription factor, regulates adaptive growth by integrating multiple hormonal pathways. Plant Journal 23.
25 (10), S. 4209 - 4226 (2013)
A Mediator of Singlet Oxygen Responses in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Arabidopsis Identified by a Luciferase-Based Genetic Screen in Algal Cells. The Plant Cell 24.
25 (10), S. 4014 - 4027 (2013)
The Evolutionarily Conserved Iron-Sulfur Protein INDH Is Required for Complex I Assembly and Mitochondrial Translation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 25.
6 (5), e25299 (2013)
Swarms, swarming and entanglements of fungal hyphae and of plant roots. Communicative & Integrative Biology 26.
75 (6), S. 1062 - 1074 (2013)
Reverse genetics in complex multigene operons by co-transformation of the plastid genome and its application to the open reading frame previously designated psbN. The Plant Journal 27.
37 (3), S. 601 - 616 (2013)
Deciphering the metabolic pathways influencing heat and cold responses during post-harvest physiology of peach fruit. Plant, Cell and Environment 28.
14 (5), S. 548 - 555 (2013)
The NGS WikiBook: a dynamic collaborative online training effort with long-term sustainability. Briefings in Bioinformatics 29.
36 (9), S. 1573 - 1574 (2013)
Special issue on plant computational biology. Plant, Cell and Environment 30.
163 (1), S. 75 - 85 (2013)
Loss of Starch Granule Initiation Has a Deleterious Effect on the Growth of Arabidopsis Plants Due to an Accumulation of ADP-Glucose. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 31.
4 (5), S. 206 - 208 (2013)
Could ROS signals drive tissue-specific clocks? Landes Bioscience 32.
8 (9), e25480 (2013)
Large-scale modeling provides insights into Arabidopsis's acclimation to changing light and temperature conditions. Plant Signaling & Behavior 33.
11 (6), S. 717 - 733 (2013)
New insights into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii hydrogen production processes by combined microarray/RNA-seq transcriptomics. PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 34.
25 (7), S. 2661 - 2678 (2013)
Arabidopsis CURVATURE THYLAKOID1 Proteins Modify Thylakoid Architecture by Inducing Membrane Curvature. The Plant Cell 35.
18 (7), S. 382 - 392 (2013)
RNA silencing and its suppression: novel insights from in planta analyses. Trends in Plant Science 36.
9, S. 21 - 21 (2013)
A fluorometric assay for trehalose in the picomole range. Plant Methods 37.
4, 198 (2013)
Molecular regulation of fruit ripening. Frontiers in Plant Science 38.
25 (6), S. 2084 - 2101 (2013)
The Phosphorylated Pathway of Serine Biosynthesis Is Essential Both for Male Gametophyte and Embryo Development and for Root Growth in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 39.
25 (6), S. 2253 - 2264 (2013)
Arabidopsis BPM Proteins Function as Substrate Adaptors to a CULLIN3-Based E3 Ligase to Affect Fatty Acid Metabolism in Plants. The Plant Cell 40.
132 (2), S. 93 - 104 (2013)
Analysis of phylogenetic signal in protostomial intron patterns using Mutual Information. THEORY IN BIOSCIENCES 41.
25 (6), S. 1917 - 1927 (2013)
Data Integration through Proximity-Based Networks Provides Biological Principles of Organization across Scales. The Plant Cell 42.
25 (6), S. 2022 - 2036 (2013)
Evolution of a Complex Locus for Terpene Biosynthesis in Solanum. The Plant Cell 43.
25 (6), S. 2115 - 2131 (2013)
SALT-RESPONSIVE ERF1 Regulates Reactive Oxygen Species-Dependent Signaling during the Initial Response to Salt Stress in Rice. The Plant Cell 44.
16 (3), S. 381 - 388 (2013)
Systems-integration of plant metabolism: means, motive and opportunity. CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY 45.
162 (1), S. 239 - 253 (2013)
Transcriptomic Analysis of the Role of Carboxylic Acids in Metabolite Signaling in Arabidopsis Leaves. Plant Physiology 46.
41 (10), S. 5273 - 5289 (2013)
Heat shock factor 1 counteracts epigenetic silencing of nuclear transgenes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Nucleic Acids Research 47.
41 (9), e98 (2013)
Spanning high-dimensional expression space using ribosome-binding site combinatorics. Nucleic Acids Research 48.
75 (1), S. 117 - 129 (2013)
Two Lotus japonicus symbiosis mutants impaired at distinct steps of arbuscule development. The Plant Journal 49.
24 (2), S. 310 - 319 (2013)
Engineering specialized metabolic pathways-is there a room for enzyme improvements? Current Opinion in Biotechnology 50.
25 (4), S. 1197 - 1211 (2013)
Integration of Genome-Scale Modeling and Transcript Profiling Reveals Metabolic Pathways Underlying Light and Temperature Acclimation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell