Publikationen, gefiltert
Zeitschriftenartikel (172)
175 (4), S. 1510 - 1524 (2017)
Floral Metabolism of Sugars and Amino Acids: Implications for Pollinators’ Preferences and Seed and Fruit Set. Plant Physiology 2.
20 (9), S. R390 - R391 (2017)
Trichoderma. Current Biology 3.
13 (1), 87 (2017)
Rapid in situ 13C tracing of sucrose utilization in Arabidopsis sink and source leaves. Plant Methods 4.
17 (1), 165 (2017)
Lipidomics analysis unravels the effect of nitrogen fertilization on lipid metabolism in tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.). BMC Plant Biology 5.
18 (1), 444 (2017)
LSTrAP: efficiently combining RNA sequencing data into co-expression networks. BMC Bioinformatics 6.
18 (1), 731 (2017)
Rapid transcriptional and metabolic regulation of the deacclimation process in cold acclimated Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Genomics 7.
22 (8), S. 646 - 648 (2017)
Autophagy: A Double-Edged Sword to Fight Plant Viruses. Trends in Plant Science 8.
6, e29107 (2017)
Lipid transfer from plants to arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi. eLife 9.
3 (7), 17094 (2017)
Neutralization of mobile antiviral small RNA through peroxisomal import. Nature Plants 10.
13 (8), 95 (2017)
GC-TOF-MS analysis reveals salt stress-responsive primary metabolites in Casuarina glauca tissues. Metabolomics 11.
3 (6), 17073 (2017)
An N-acetylglucosamine transporter required for arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses in rice and maize. Nature Plants 12.
173 (4), S. 2180 - 2195 (2017)
The Accumulation of miRNAs Differentially Modulated by Drought Stress Is Affected by Grafting in Grapevine. Plant Physiology 13.
7, 44611 (2017)
The receptor-like pseudokinase MRH1 interacts with the voltage-gated potassium channel AKT2. Scientific Reports 14.
21 (1), S. 106 - 112 (2017)
Positive Gene Regulation by a Natural Protective miRNA Enables Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Cell Host & Microbe 15.
8, 1396 (2017)
Defense-Related Transcriptional Reprogramming in Vitamin E-Deficient Arabidopsis Mutants Exposed to Contrasting Phosphate Availability. Frontiers in Plant Science 16.
29 (11), S. 2753 - 2765 (2017)
Canalization of Tomato Fruit Metabolism. Plant Cell 17.
140, S. 96 - 109 (2017)
Impact of seasonal warming on overwintering and spring phenology of blackcurrant. Environmental and Experimental Botany 18.
68 (16), S. 4463 - 4477 (2017)
Getting back to nature: a reality check for experiments in controlled environments. Journal of Experimental Botany 19.
7, 2035 (2017)
Durum wheat roots adapt to salinity remodelling the cellular content of nitrogen metabolites and sucrose. Frontiers in Plant Science 20.
174 (3), S. 1949 - 1968 (2017)
Circadian, Carbon, and Light Control of Expansion Growth and Leaf Movement. Plant Physiology 21.
37, S. 56 - 62 (2017)
The regulation of the chloroplast proton motive force plays a key role for photosynthesis in fluctuating light. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 22.
68, S. 283 - 298 (2017)
Metabolite pools and carbon flow during C4 photosynthesis in maize: 13CO2 labeling kinetics and cell type fractionation. Journal of Experimental Botany 23.
474 (23), S. 3935 - 3950 (2017)
Holistic bioengineering: Rewiring central metabolism for enhanced bioproduction. Biochemical Journal 24.
106, S. 1 - 13 (2017)
Alzheimer's brains show inter-related changes in RNA and lipid metabolism. Neurobiology of Disease 25.
64 (1-2), S. 83 - 92 (2017)
Distribution of polyploid plants in the common annual Brachypodium distachyon (s.l.) in Israel is not linearly correlated with aridity. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 26.
175 (1), S. 62 - 76 (2017)
Autophagy Deficiency Compromises Alternative Pathways of Respiration following Energy Deprivation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 27.
12 (11), e1377877 (2017)
Commonalities and differences in plants deficient in autophagy and alternative pathways of respiration on response to extended darkness. Plant Signaling & Behavior 28.
1860 (8), S. 813 - 828 (2017)
The conserved domain in MORF proteins has distinct affinities to the PPR and E elements in PPR RNA editing factors. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 29.
89 (9), e03389 (2017)
Accurate quantification of laminarin in marine organic matter with enzymes from marine microbes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 30.
17, 74 (2017)
The role of Tre6P and SnRK1 in maize early kernel development and events leading to stress-induced kernel abortion. BMC Plant Biology 31.
40 (1), S. 108 - 120 (2017)
ERF105 is a transcription factor gene of Arabidopsis thaliana required for freezing tolerance and cold acclimation. Plant, Cell and Environment 32.
7, 5 (2017)
Lipidome determinants of maximal lifespan in mammals. Scientific Reports 33.
113 (3), S. 572 - 579 (2017)
Intrinsically Disordered Stress Protein COR15A Resides at the Membrane Surface during Dehydration. Biophysical Journa 34.
284 (6), S. 919 - 936 (2017)
Folding of intrinsically disordered plant LEA proteins is driven by glycerol-induced crowding and the presence of membranes. The FEBS Journal 35.
114 (28), S. E5741 - E5749 (2017)
System-wide organization of actin cytoskeleton determines organelle transport in hypocotyl plant cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 36.
71 (4), S. 156 - 159 (2017)
Combined GC- and UHPLC-HR-MS Based Metabolomics to Analyze Durable Anti-fungal Resistance Processes in Cereals. Chimia 37.
68 (15), S. 4205 - 4217 (2017)
The meiotic regulator JASON utilizes alternative translation initiation sites to produce differentially localized forms. Journal of Experimental Botany 38.
15 (12), S. 1611 - 1621 (2017)
Lettuce-produced hepatitis C virus E1E2 heterodimer triggers immune responses in mice and antibody production after oral vaccination. Plant Biotechnology Journal 39.
40 (11-SI), S. 2644 - 2662 (2017)
The dual role of LESION SIMULATING DISEASE 1 as a condition-dependent scaffold protein and transcription regulator. Plant, Cell and Environment 40.
216 (4), S. 1018 - 1033 (2017)
Metabolism within the specialized guard cells of plants. New Phytologist 41.
90 (2), S. 319 - 329 (2017)
Metabolic robustness in young roots underpins a predictive model of maize hybrid performance in the field. The Plant Journal 42.
18, 28 (2017)
Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus. Genome Biology 43.
8, 2118 (2017)
JUNGBRUNNEN1 Confers Drought Tolerance Downstream of the HD-Zip I Transcription Factor AtHB13. Frontiers in Plant Science 44.
10 (1), S. 47 - 61 (2017)
Photorespiration is crucial to the dynamic response of photosynthetic metabolism and stomatal movement to altered \CO2\ availability. Molecular Plant 45.
37, S. 56 - 62 (2017)
Synthetic metabolism: metabolic engineering meets enzyme design. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 46.
174 (4), S. 2166 - 2182 (2017)
A Novel Mechanism, Linked to Cell Density, Largely Controls Cell Division in Synechocystis. Plant Physiology 47.
13 (5), e1005568 (2017)
On the effects of alternative optima in context-specific metabolic model predictions. PLoS Computational Biology 48.
8, 889 (2017)
Transcriptomic Analysis in Strawberry Fruits Reveals Active Auxin Biosynthesis and Signaling in the Ripe Receptacle. Frontiers in Plant Science 49.
8, 1305 (2017)
Corrigendum: Transcriptomic Analysis in Strawberry Fruits Reveals Active Auxin Biosynthesis and Signaling in the Ripe Receptacle. Frontiers in Plant Science 50.
Measurements of Electron Partitioning Between Cytochrome and Alternative Oxidase Pathways in Plant Tissues. Plant Respiration and Internal Oxygen: Methods and Protocols, S. 203 - 217 (2017)