
Zeitschriftenartikel (116)

López, C.; Alseekh, S.; Rivas, F.; Fernie, A. R.; Prieto, P.; Alamillo, J.: CRISPR/Cas9 editing of two adenine phosphoribosyl transferase coding genes reveals the functional specialization of adenine salvage proteins in common bean. Journal of Experimental Botany 76 (2), S. 346 - 362 (2025)
D'Auria, J.C.; Fernie, A. R.: The BAHD and the bold: the mitochondria's role in alkaloid artistry. Trends in Plant Science 29 (12), S. 1290 - 1291 (2024)
Domer, A.; Jasinska, W.; Rosental, L.; Shochat, E.; Alseekh, S.; Fernie, A. R.; Brotman, Y.; Ovadia, O.: Comparative analysis of the plasma metabolome of migrating passerines: novel insights into stopover metabolism. Journal of Avian Biology (2024)
Li, B.; Armarego-Marriott, T.; Kowalewska, Ł.; Thiele, W.; Erban, A.; Ruf, S.; Kopka, J.; Schöttler, M. A.; Bock, R.: Membrane protein provision controls prothylakoid biogenesis in tobacco etioplasts. The Plant Cell 36 (12), S. 4862 - 4880 (2024)
Tiozon, R. J. N.; Alseekh, S.; Fernie, A. R.; Bonto, A. P.; Yu, J.; Buenafe, R. J. Q.; Sreenivasulu, N.: Comprehensive lipidomic insights of differentially accumulating lipids in large pigmented rice sprout collection and the changes in the starch composition upon germination. Food Chemistry 460 (Part 2), 140677 (2024)
Dziasek, K.; Santos-González, J.; Wang, K.; Qiu, Y.; Zhu, J.; Rigola, D.; Nijbroek, K.; Köhler, C.: Dosage-sensitive maternal siRNAs determine hybridization success in Capsella. Nature Plants 10, S. 1969 - 1983 (2024)
Liu, F.; Fernie, A. R.; Zhang, Y.: Can a nitrogen-fixing organelle be engineered within plants? Trends in Plant Science 29 (11), S. 1168 - 1171 (2024)
Lima, R. B.; Pankaj, R.; Ehlert, S. T.; Finger, P.; Fröhlich, A.; Bayle, V.; Landrein, B.; Sampathkumar, A.; Figueiredo, D.D.: Seed coat-derived brassinosteroid signaling regulates endosperm development. Nature Communications 15 (1), 9352 (2024)
Qiu, Y.; Li, Z.; Köhler, C.: Ancestral duplication of MADS-box genes in land plants empowered the functional divergence between sporophytes and gametophytes. New Phytologist 244 (2), S. 358 - 363 (2024)
Rolo, D.; Sandoval-Ibanez, O.; Thiele, W.; Schöttler, M. A.; Gerlach, I.; Zoschke, R.; Schwartzmann, J.; Meyer, E. H.; Bock, R.: CO-EXPRESSED WITH PSI ASSEMBLY1 (CEPA1) is a photosystem I assembly factor in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 36 (10), S. 4179 - 4211 (2024)
von Steimker, J.; Tripodi, P.; Wendenburg, R.; Tringovska, I.; Nankar, A. N.; Stoeva, V.; Pasev, G.; Klemmer, A.; Todorova, V.; Bulut, M. et al.; Tikunov, Y.; Bovy, A.; Gechev, T.; Kostova, D.; Fernie, A. R.; Alseekh, S.: The genetic architecture of the pepper metabolome and the biosynthesis of its signature capsianoside metabolites. Current Biology 34 (18), S. 4209 - 4223 (2024)
Badoni, S.; Pasion-Uy, E. A.; Kor, S.; Kim, S.-R.; Tiozon, R. J. N.; Misra, G.; Buenafe, R. J. Q.; Labarga, L. M.; Ramos-Castrosanto, A. R.; Pratap, V. et al.; Slamet-Loedin, I.; von Steimker, J.; Alseekh, S.; Fernie, A. R.; Kohli, A.; Khush, G. S.; Sreenivasulu, N.: Multiomics of a rice population identifies genes and genomic regions that bestow low glycemic index and high protein content. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (36), e2410598121 (2024)
Hayashi, K.; Fernie, A. R.: A neat wheat trick to hide genes from selection. Trends in Plant Science 29 (8), S. 837 - 838 (2024)
Del Toro-De León, G.; van Boven, J.; Santos-González, J.; Jiao, W.-B.; Peng, H.; Schneeberger, K.; Köhler, C.: Epigenetic and transcriptional consequences in the endosperm of chemically induced transposon mobilization in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 53 (15), S. 8833 - 8848 (2024)
Yin, Z.; Huang, W.; Li, K.; Fernie, A. R.; Yan, S.: Advances in mass spectrometry imaging for plant metabolomics—Expanding the analytical toolbox. The Plant Journal 119 (5), S. 2168 - 2180 (2024)
Hammel, A.; Cucos, L.-M.; Caras, I.; Ionescu, I.; Tucureanu, C.; Tofan, V.; Costache, A.; Onu, A.; Hoepfner, L.; Hippler, M. et al.; Neupert, J.; Popescu, C.-I.; Stavaru, C.; Branza-Nichita, N.; Bock, R.: The red alga Porphyridium as a host for molecular farming: Efficient production of immunologically active hepatitis C virus glycoprotein. PNAS 121 (24), e2400145121 (2024)
Butel, N.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, W.; Santos-González, J.; Köhler, C.: Parental conflict driven regulation of endosperm cellularization by a family of Auxin Response Factors. Nature Plants 10, S. 1018 - 1026 (2024)
Fernie, A. R.; Bulut, M.: How cauliflower got its curd. Nature Genetics 56, S. 1042 - 1044 (2024)
Krämer, C.; Boehm, C.R.; Liu, J.; Ting, M. K. Y.; Hertle, A. P.; Forner, J.; Ruf, S.; Schöttler, M. A.; Zoschke, R.; Bock, R.: Removal of the large inverted repeat from the plastid genome reveals gene dosage effects and leads to increased genome copy number. Nature Plants 10, S. 923 - 935 (2024)
Butel, N.; Köhler, C.: Flowering plant reproduction. Current Biology 34 (8), S. R308 - R312 (2024)
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