Publikationen, gefiltert
Zeitschriftenartikel (212)
71 (4), S. 1215 - 1225 (2019)
Beyond the darkness: recent lessons from etiolation and de-etiolation studies. Journal of Experimental Botany 2.
31 (4), S. 429 - 444 (2019)
A cold change: how short low temperature exposure affects primary metabolism in leaves and stems of two eucalyptus species. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology 3.
116 (45), S. 22872 - 22883 (2019)
The viral F-box protein P0 induces an ER-derived autophagy degradation pathway for the clearance of membrane-bound AGO1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 4.
10, 1184 (2019)
Ramf: An Open-Source R Package for Statistical Analysis and Display of Quantitative Root Colonization by Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi. Frontiers in Plant Science 5.
101 (1), S. 183 - 202 (2019)
The Arabidopsis E1 subunit of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex modulates plant growth and seed production. Plant Molecular Biology 6.
8 (8), giz102 (2019)
Metabolic responses of rice source and sink organs during recovery from combined drought and heat stress in the field. GigaScience 7.
15 (8), e1008327 (2019)
SMAX1/SMXL2 regulate root and root hair development downstream of KAI2-mediated signalling in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics 8.
31 (8), S. 1734 - 1750 (2019)
Cell Cycle-Dependent Regulation and Function of ARGONAUTE1 in Plants. Plant Cell 9.
99 (2), S. 216 - 230 (2019)
Large-scale metabolite quantitative trait locus analysis provides new insights for high-quality maize improvement. The Plant Journal 10.
250 (4), S. 1355 - 1369 (2019)
Comparative metabolite profiling of two switchgrass ecotypes reveals differences in drought stress responses and rhizosheath weight. Planta 11.
17 (7), S. 1408 - 1417 (2019)
Production of tetravalent dengue virus envelope protein domain III based antigens in lettuce chloroplasts and immunologic analysis for future oral vaccine development. Plant Biotechnology Journal 12.
8 (5), giz050 (2019)
Metabolic responses of rice cultivars with different tolerance to combined drought and heat stress under field conditions. GigaScience 13.
47 (12), S. 6351 - 6359 (2019)
Rapid functional activation of a horizontally transferred eukaryotic gene in a bacterial genome in the absence of selection. Nucleic Acids Research 14.
70 (12), S. 3269 - 3281 (2019)
Hierarchical clustering reveals unique features in the diel dynamics of metabolites in the CAM orchid Phalaenopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 15.
47 (W1), S. W59 - W64 (2019)
OrganellarGenomeDRAW (OGDRAW) version 1.3.1: expanded toolkit for the graphical visualization of organellar genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 16.
179 (4), S. 1502 - 1514 (2019)
Branched-Chain Amino Acid Catabolism Impacts Triacylglycerol Homeostasis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiology 17.
179 (4), S. 1457 - 1478 (2019)
Response of the Circadian Clock and Diel Starch Turnover to One Day of Low Light or Low CO2. Plant Physiology 18.
70 (6), S. 1843 - 1858 (2019)
Metabolite profiles reveal interspecific variation in operation of the Calvin–Benson cycle in both C4 and C3 plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 19.
97 (6), S. 1132 - 1153 (2019)
Multi-tissue integration of transcriptomic and specialized metabolite profiling provides tools for assessing the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) metabolome. The Plant Journal 20.
97 (6), S. 1003 - 1005 (2019)
Resolving the role of strigolactone in the early steps of rice axillary bud dormancy. The Plant Journal 21.
17 (3), S. 638 - 649 (2019)
A highly efficient sulfadiazine selection system for the generation of transgenic plants and algae. Plant Biotechnology Journal 22.
33 (1), S. 1319 - 1326 (2019)
Rapid detection of type II diabetes mellitus in Saudi patients via simultaneous screening of multiple SNPs. Biotechnology & Biotechnology Equipment 23.
12, S. 2675 - 2684 (2019)
Detection of secondary metabolites as biomarkers for the early diagnosis and prevention of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 24.
31 (2), S. 297 - 314 (2019)
Engineering Strategies to Boost Crop Productivity by Cutting Respiratory Carbon Loss. Plant Cell 25.
266, S. 283 - 290 (2019)
Coherent network partitions. Discrete applied mathematics 26.
181 (1), S. 3 - 3 (2019)
Enhancing Wheat Rubisco Activase Thermostability by Mutagenesis of Conserved Residues from Heat-Adapted Species. Plant Physiology 27.
181 (3), S. 851 - 852 (2019)
NTRC: A Key Regulatory Hub in Carbon Metabolism and Redox Balance in Developing Tomato Fruits. Plant Physiology 28.
10, 230 (2019)
Spatial and Temporal Profile of Glycine Betaine Accumulation in Plants Under Abiotic Stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science 29.
180 (1), S. 153 - 170 (2019)
Deficiency in the Phosphorylated Pathway of Serine Biosynthesis Perturbs Sulfur Assimilation. Plant Physiology 30.
180 (1), S. 654 - 681 (2019)
Highly Resolved Systems Biology to Dissect the Etioplast-to-Chloroplast Transition in Tobacco Leaves. Plant Physiology 31.
20 (19), 4665 (2019)
Unravelling the Metabolic and Hormonal Machinery During Key Steps of Somatic Embryogenesis: A Case Study in Coffee. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 32.
224 (1), S. 505 - 517 (2019)
Genetic basis and timing of a major mating system shift in Capsella. New Phytologist 33.
33 (7-8), S. 466 - 476 (2019)
Auxin regulates endosperm cellularization in Arabidopsis. Genes and Development 34.
8, e50541 (2019)
The MADS-box transcription factor PHERES1 controls imprinting in the endosperm by binding to domesticated transposons. eLife 35.
42 (2), S. 448 - 465 (2019)
Modulation of auxin signalling through DIAGETROPICA and ENTIRE differentially affects tomato plant growth via changes in photosynthetic and mitochondrial metabolism. Plant, Cell and Environment 36.
180 (1), S. 87 - 108 (2019)
A MYB Triad Controls Primary and Phenylpropanoid Metabolites for Pollen Coat Patterning. Plant Physiology 37.
42 (11), S. 3105 - 3120 (2019)
Thermal plasticity of the circadian clock is under nuclear and cytoplasmic control in wild barley. Plant, Cell and Environment 38.
180 (3), S. 1709 - 1724 (2019)
Modeling Protein Destiny in Developing Fruit. Plant Physiology 39.
8 (10), 371 (2019)
A Novel Aspect of Essential Oils: Coating Seeds with Thyme Essential Oil induces Drought Resistance in Wheat. Plants 40.
6 (1), 98 (2019)
Non-aqueous fractionation revealed changing subcellular metabolite distribution during apple fruit development. Horticulture Research 41.
179 (3), S. 794 - 802 (2019)
Recent Advances and Current Challenges in Synthetic Biology of the Plastid Genetic System and Metabolism. Plant Physiology 42.
11 (12), 1825 (2019)
MicroRNA-Mediated Metabolic Reprograming in Renal Cancer. Cancers 43.
70 (20), S. 5809 - 5825 (2019)
Relationship between irradiance and levels of Calvin-Benson cycle and other intermediates in the model eudicot Arabidopsis and the model monocot rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 44.
224 (4), S. 1425 - 1441 (2019)
Flowers and climate change: a metabolic perspective. New Phytologist 45.
31 (10), S. 2525 - 2539 (2019)
Posttranslational modification of the NADP-malic enzyme involved in C4 photosynthesis fine-tunes the enzymatic activity during the day. The Plant Cell 46.
9 (1), 6972 (2019)
Publisher Correction: Lipidome determinants of maximal lifespan in mammals. Scientific Reports 47.
97 (2), S. 391 - 403 (2019)
A Solanum neorickii introgression population providing a powerful complement to the extensively characterized Solanum pennellii population. The Plant Journal 48.
111 (1), S. 31 - 45 (2019)
Iron-sulfur cluster carrier proteins involved in the assembly of Escherichia coli NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I). Molecular Microbiology 49.
10, 1617 (2019)
Imbalanced regulation of fungal nutrient transports according to phosphate availability in a symbiocosm formed by poplar, sorghum and Rhizophagus irregularis. Frontiers in Plant Science 50.
70 (8), S. 2217 - 2225 (2019)
The magic 'hammer' of TOR: the multiple faces of a single pathway in the metabolic regulation of plant growth and development. Journal of Experimental Botany