Dr. Karen Hobecker


Curriculum Vitae

Since March 2019
Postdoc in the Gutjahr lab

2013 - 2018 
Doctoral thesis in the lab of María Eugenia Zanetti, IBBM, National University of La Plata, Argentina.  “Functional characterization of the microRNA390/TAS3pathway in the development of lateral organs in the roots of the legume Medicago truncatula

Internship in the laboratory of plant-microbe interaction (Andreas Niebel), INRA, Toulouse, France

Degree in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, National University of La Plata, Argentina

Scholarships and Awards

2013-19     Doctoral Fellowship of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council – Argentina 
2015           American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) travel grant to XI International Congress of Plant
                  Molecular Biology
2014           Centro Argentino-Brasileño de Biotecnología (CABBIO) travel grant to course on "Introduction to 
                  RNA interference (RNAi) and microRNAs"
2013           Best poster of the XV Annual Conference of the Argentian Society of Biology


Guillory A, Fournier J, Kelner A, Hobecker K, Auriac MC, Frances L, Delers A, Le Ru A, Keller J, Delaux PM, Gutjahr C, Frei Dit Frey N, de Carvalho-Niebel F. (2024 ) Annexin and calcium-regulated priming of legume root cells for endosymbiotic infection. bioRxiv, 2024: p. 2024.01.10.574854.

Kirolinko C, Hobecker K, Cueva M, Botto F, Christ A, Niebel A, Ariel F, Blanco FA, Crespi M, Zanetti ME. (2024) A lateral organ boundaries domain transcription factor acts downstream of the auxin response factor 2 to control nodulation and root architecture in Medicago truncatula. New Phytol. 2024 Jun;242(6):2746-2762. doi: 10.1111/nph.19766

Das D, Paries M, Hobecker K, Gigl M, Dawid C, Lam HM, Zhang J, Chen M, Gutjahr C (2022) PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE transcription factors enable arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis. Nature Communications, 13:477.

Kirolinko C, Hobecker K, Wen J, Mysore KS, Niebel A, Blanco FA, Zanetti ME (2021). Auxin Response Factor 2 (ARF2), ARF3, and ARF4 Mediate Both Lateral Root and Nitrogen Fixing Nodule Development in Medicago truncatulaFrontiers in plant science, 12, 659061.

Reynoso MA, Traubenik S, Hobecker KV, Blanco FA, Zanetti ME (2020) Post-transcriptional reprogramming during root nodule symbiosis. In: de Bruijn FJ (ed.), The model legume Medicago truncatula, Wiley, UK (Bookchapter, not peer reviewed).

Traubenik S, Reynoso MA, Hobecker KV, Lancia M, Hummel M, Rosen B, Town C, Bailey-Serres J, Blanco FA, Zanetti ME (2020) Reprogramming of root cells during nitrogen-fixing symbiosis involves dynamic polysome association of coding and non-coding RNAs. Plant Cell 32: 352-373.

Hobecker KV, Reynoso MA, Bustos-Sanmamed P, Wen J, Mysore KS, Crespi M, Blanco FA, Zanetti ME (2017) The MicroRNA390/TAS3 pathway mediates symbiotic nodulation and lateral root growth. Plant Physiology 174: 2469–2486.

Reynoso MA, Savy V, Lancia M, Hobecker KV, Blanco F, Zanetti ME (2013) Medicago truncatula: A model organism to study the biology of agriculturally important legume crops. Legumes: Types, Nutritional Composition and Health Benefits. eds. Satou H,  Nakamura R, New York; p. 1 – 21.

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