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Daniel Karcher
Uta Keller
Assistant to Director
  • +49 331 567 8200
Abul Khayer
PhD student
Sylwia Kierszniowska
Guest Scientist
Judith Kikel
Head of Human Resources
Hyokyeong Kim
Guest Student
Dana Kissel
Employee Funding/Grants Office
Annabella Klemmer
PhD student
Sebastian Klie
Guest Scientist
Mike Klinkert
Employee IT Service
Karin Köhl
Plant Cultivation and Transformation
Claudia Köhler
Director and Research Group Leader
Joachim Kopka
Research Group Leader
Friedrich Kragler
Research Group Leader
Ina Krahnert
Technical Assistant
Carolin Krämer
Guest PhD Student
Annemarie Krapp
Guest Scientist
Ursula Krause
Technical Assistant
Xenia Kroop
Technical Assistant
Danny Krüger
Employee Technical Service
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