Publikationen von D. Zoeller

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Hubberten, H. M., Sieh, D., Zoeller, D., Hoefgen, R. & Krajinski, F. Medicago truncatula Mtha1-2 mutants loose metabolic responses to mycorrhizal colonization. Plant Signaling & Behavior 10, (2015).
Krajinski, F., Courty, P.-E., Sieh, D., Franken, P., Zhang, H., Bucher, M., Gerlach, N., Kryvoruchko, I., Zoeller, D., Udvardi, M. & Hause, B. The H+-ATPase HA1 of Medicago truncatula Is Essential for Phosphate Transport and Plant Growth during Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Plant Cell 26, 1808–1817 (2014).
Schliep, M., Ebert, B., Simon-Rosin, U., Zoeller, D. & Fisahn, J. Quantitative expression analysis of selected transcription factors in pavement, basal and trichome cells of mature leaves from Arabidopsis thaliana. Protoplasma 241, 29–36 (2010).
Ebert, B., Melle, C., Lieckfeldt, E., Zoeller, D., von Eggeling, F. & Fisahn, J. Protein profiling of single epidermal cell types from Arabidopsis thaliana using surface-enhanced laser desorption and ionization technology. Journal of Plant Physiology 165, 1227–1237 (2008).
Lieckfeldt, E., Simon-Rosin, U., Kose, F., Zoeller, D., Schliep, M. & Fisahn, J. Gene expression profiling of single epidermal, basal and trichome cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Physiology 165, 1530–1544 (2008).
Wienkoop, S., Zoeller, D., Ebert, B., Simon-Rosin, U., Fisahn, J., Glinski, M. & Weckwerth, W. Cell-specific protein profiling in Arabidopsis thaliana trichomes: identification of trichome-located proteins involved in sulfur metabolism and detoxification. Phytochemistry 65, 1641–1649 (2004).
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