Publikationen von S. Wienkoop

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Hoehenwarter, W., Larhlimi, A., Hummel, J., Egelhofer, V., Selbig, J., van Dongen, J. T., Wienkoop, S. & Weckwerth, W. MAPA Distinguishes Genotype-Specific Variability of Highly Similar Regulatory Protein Isoforms in Potato Tuber. Journal of Proteome Research 10, 2979–2991 (2011).
Joshi, H. J., Hirsch-Hoffmann, M., Baerenfaller, K., Gruissem, W., Baginsky, S., Schmidt, R., Schulze, W. X., Sun, Q., van Wijk, K. J., Egelhofer, V., Wienkoop, S., Weckwerth, W., Bruley, C., Rolland, N., Toyoda, T., Nakagami, H., Jones, A. M., Briggs, S. P., Castleden, I., Tanz, S. K., Millar, A. H. & Heazlewood, J. L. MASCP Gator: An Aggregation Portal for the Visualization of Arabidopsis Proteomics Data. Plant Physiology 155, 259–270 (2011).
Winck, F. V., Kwasniewski, M., Wienkoop, S. & Mueller-Roeber, B. An Optimized Method for the Isolation of Nuclei from Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Phycology 47, 333–340 (2011).
Wienkoop, S., Weiss, J., May, P., Kempa, S., Irgang, S., Recuenco-Munoz, L., Pietzke, M., Schwemmer, T., Rupprecht, J., Egelhofer, V. & Weckwerth, W. Targeted proteomics for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii combined with rapid subcellular protein fractionation, metabolomics and metabolic flux analyses. Molecular Biosystems 6, 1018–1031 (2010).
Baessler, O. Y., Weiss, J., Wienkoop, S., Lehmann, K., Scheler, C., Dolle, S., Schwarz, D., Franken, P., George, E., Worm, M. & Weckwerth, W. Evidence for Novel Tomato Seed Allergens: IgE-Reactive Legumin and Vicilin Proteins Identified by Multidimensional Protein Fractionation-Mass Spectrometry and in Silico Epitope Modeling. Journal of Proteome Research 8, 1111–1122 (2009).
Kempa, S., Hummel, J., Schwemmer, T., Pietzke, M., Strehmel, N., Wienkoop, S., Kopka, J. & Weckwerth, W. An automated GCxGC-TOF-MS protocol for batch-wise extraction and alignment of mass isotopomer matrixes from differential C-13-labelling experiments: a case study for photoautotrophic-mixotrophic grown Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells. Journal of Basic Microbiology 49, 82–91 (2009).
Larrainzar, E., Wienkoop, S., Scherling, C., Kempa, S., Ladrera, R., Arrese-Igor, C., Weckwerth, W. & Gonzalez, E. M. Carbon Metabolism and Bacteroid Functioning Are Involved in the Regulation of Nitrogen Fixation in Medicago truncatula Under Drought and Recovery. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 22, 1565–1576 (2009).
Hoehenwarter, W., van Dongen, J. T., Wienkoop, S., Steinfath, M., Hummel, J., Erban, A., Sulpice, R., Regierer, B., Kopka, J., Geigenberger, P. & Weckwerth, W. A rapid approach for phenotype-screening and database independent detection of cSNP/protein polymorphism using mass accuracy precursor alignment. Proteomics 8, 4214–4225 (2008).
Lehmann, U., Wienkoop, S., Tschoep, H. & Weckwerth, W. If the antibody fails - a mass Western approach. The Plant Journal 55, 1039–1046 (2008).
May, P., Wienkoop, S., Kempa, S., Usadel, B., Christian, N., Rupprecht, J., Weiss, J., Recuenco-Munoz, L., Ebenhoeh, O., Weckwerth, W. & Walther, D. Metabolomics- and proteomics-assisted genome annotation and analysis of the draft metabolic network of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 179, 157–166 (2008).
Timm, S., Nunes-Nesi, A., Pamik, T., Morgenthal, K., Wienkoop, S., Keerberg, O., Weckwerth, W., Kleczkowski, L. A., Fernie, A. R. & Bauwe, H. A Cytosolic Pathway for the Conversion of Hydroxypyruvate to Glycerate during Photorespiration in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 20, 2848–2859 (2008).
Wienkoop, S., Morgenthal, K., Wolschin, F., Scholz, M., Selbig, J. & Weckwerth, W. Integration of metabolomic and proteomic phenotypes. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7, 1725–1736 (2008).
Hummel, J., Niemann, M., Wienkoop, S., Schulze, W., Steinhauser, D., Selbig, J., Walther, D. & Weckwerth, W. ProMEX: a mass spectral reference database for proteins and protein phosphorylation sites. BMC Bioinformatics 8, 216 (2007).
Larrainzar, E., Wienkoop, S., Weckwerth, W., Ladrera, R., Arrese-Igor, C. & Gonzalez, E. M. Medicago truncatula root nodule proteome analysis reveals differential plant and bacteroid responses to drought stress. Plant Physiology 144, 1495–1507 (2007).
Wienkoop, S., Larrainzar, E., Niemann, M., Gonzalez, E. M., Lehmann, U. & Weckwerth, W. Stable isotope-free quantitative shotgun proteomics combined with sample pattern recognition for rapid diagnostics. Journal of Separation Science 29, 2793–2801 (2006).
Wienkoop, S. & Weckwerth, W. Relative and absolute quantitative shotgun proteomics: targeting low-abundance proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 57, 1529–1535 (2006).
Boldt, R., Edner, C., Kolukisaoglu, U., Hagemann, M., Weckwerth, W., Wienkoop, S., Morgenthal, K. & Bauwe, H. D-GLYCERATE 3-KINASE, the last unknown enzyme in the photorespiratory cycle in Arabidopsis, belongs to a novel kinase family. Plant Cell 17, 2413–2420 (2005).
Morgenthal, K., Wienkoop, S., Scholz, M., Selbig, J. & Weckwerth, W. Correlative GC-TOF-MS-based metabolite profiling and LC-MS-based protein profiling reveal time-related systemic regulation of metabolite-protein networks and improve pattern recognition for multiple biomarker selection. Metabolomics 1, 109–121 (2005).
Wolschin, F., Wienkoop, S. & Weckwerth, W. Enrichment of phosphorylated proteins and peptides from complex mixtures using metal oxide/hydroxide affinity chromatography (MOAC). Proteomics 5, 4389–4397 (2005).
Wienkoop, S., Glinski, M., Tanaka, N., Tolstikov, V., Fiehn, O. & Weckwerth, W. Linking protein fractionation with multidimensional monolithic reversed-phase peptide chromatography/mass spectrometry enhances protein identification from complex mixtures even in the presence of abundant proteins. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 18, 643–650 (2004).
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