Publikationen von J. Hummel

Zeitschriftenartikel (15)

Salek, R. M., Neumann, S., Schober, D., Hummel, J., Billiau, K., Kopka, J., Correa, E., Reijmers, T., Rosato, A., Tenori, L., Turano, P., Marin, S., Deborde, C., Jacob, D., Rolin, D., Dartigues, B., Conesa, P., Haug, K., Rocca-Serra, P., O'Hagan, S., Hao, J., Vliet, M. van, Sysi-Aho, M., Ludwig, C., Bouwman, J., Cascante, M., Ebbels, T., Griffin, J. L., Moing, A., Nikolski, M., Oresic, M., Sansone, S.-A., Viant, M. R., Goodacre, R., Guenther, U. L., Hankemeier, T., Luchinat, C., Walther, D. & Steinbeck, C. COordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access. Metabolomics 11, 1587–1597 (2015).
Giavalisco, P., Li, Y., Matthes, A., Eckhardt, A., Hubberten, H.-M., Hesse, H., Segu, S., Hummel, J., Koehl, K. I. & Willmitzer, L. Elemental formula annotation of polar and lipophilic metabolites using 13C, 15N and 34S isotope labelling, in combination with high-resolution mass spectrometry. The Plant Journal 68, 364–376 (2011).
Hoehenwarter, W., Larhlimi, A., Hummel, J., Egelhofer, V., Selbig, J., van Dongen, J. T., Wienkoop, S. & Weckwerth, W. MAPA Distinguishes Genotype-Specific Variability of Highly Similar Regulatory Protein Isoforms in Potato Tuber. Journal of Proteome Research 10, 2979–2991 (2011).
Hummel, J., Segu, S., Li, Y., Irgang, S., Jueppner, J. & Giavalisco, P. Ultra performance liquid chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry for the analysis of plant lipids. Frontiers in Plant Science 2, 54 (2011).
Cuadros-Inostroza, A., Giavalisco, P., Hummel, J., Eckardt, A., Willmitzer, L. & Pena-Cortes, H. Discrimination of Wine Attributes by Metabolome Analysis. Analytical Chemistry 82, 3573–3580 (2010).
Hummel, J., Strehmel, N., Selbig, J., Walther, D. & Kopka, J. Decision tree supported substructure prediction of metabolites from GC-MS profiles. Metabolomics 6, 322–333 (2010).
Steinfath, M., Strehmel, N., Peters, R., Schauer, N., Groth, D., Hummel, J., Steup, M., Selbig, J., Kopka, J., Geigenberger, P. & van Dongen, J. T. Discovering plant metabolic biomarkers for phenotype prediction using an untargeted approach. Plant Biotechnology Journal 8, 900–911 (2010).
Giavalisco, P., Koehl, K. I., Hummel, J., Seiwert, B. & Willmitzer, L. 13C isotope-labeled metabolomes allowing for improved compound annotation and relative quantification in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomic research. Analytical Chemistry 81, 6546–6551 (2009).
Kempa, S., Hummel, J., Schwemmer, T., Pietzke, M., Strehmel, N., Wienkoop, S., Kopka, J. & Weckwerth, W. An automated GCxGC-TOF-MS protocol for batch-wise extraction and alignment of mass isotopomer matrixes from differential C-13-labelling experiments: a case study for photoautotrophic-mixotrophic grown Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells. Journal of Basic Microbiology 49, 82–91 (2009).
Giavalisco, P., Hummel, J., Lisec, J., Inostroza, A. C., Catchpole, G. & Willmitzer, L. High-Resolution Direct Infusion-Based Mass Spectrometry in Combination with Whole C-13 Metabolome Isotope Labeling Allows Unambiguous Assignment of Chemical Sum Formulas. Analytical Chemistry 80, 9417–9425 (2008).
Heazlewood, J. L., Durek, P., Hummel, J., Selbig, J., Weckwerth, W., Walther, D. & Schulze, W. X. PhosPhAt: a database of phosphorylation sites in Arabidopsis thaliana and a plant-specific phosphorylation site predictor. Nucleic Acids Research 36, D1015–D1021 (2008).
Hoehenwarter, W., van Dongen, J. T., Wienkoop, S., Steinfath, M., Hummel, J., Erban, A., Sulpice, R., Regierer, B., Kopka, J., Geigenberger, P. & Weckwerth, W. A rapid approach for phenotype-screening and database independent detection of cSNP/protein polymorphism using mass accuracy precursor alignment. Proteomics 8, 4214–4225 (2008).
Strehmel, N., Hummel, J., Erban, A., Strassburg, K. & Kopka, J. Retention index thresholds for compound matching in GC-MS metabolite profiling. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 871, 182–190 (2008).
Hummel, J., Niemann, M., Wienkoop, S., Schulze, W., Steinhauser, D., Selbig, J., Walther, D. & Weckwerth, W. ProMEX: a mass spectral reference database for proteins and protein phosphorylation sites. BMC Bioinformatics 8, 216 (2007).
Hummel, J., Keshvari, N., Weckwerth, W. & Selbig, J. Species-specific analysis of protein sequence motifs using mutual information. BMC Bioinformatics 6, 164 (2005).

Buchkapitel (2)

Hummel, J., Strehmel, N., Boelling, C., Schmidt, S., Walther, D. & Kopka, J. in The Handbook of Plant Metabolomics (Hrsg. Weckwerth, W.) 321–343 (2012). auf <>
Hummel, J., Selbig, J., Walther, D. & Kopka, J. in Metabolomics: A Powerful Tool in Systems Biology (Hrsg. Nielsen, J. & Jewett, M.) 75–95 (Springer-Verlag, 2007). doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74719-2
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