Publikationen von S. Trenkamp

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Gouws, L. M., Botes, E., Wiese, A. J., Trenkamp, S., Torres-Jerez, I., Tang, Y., Hills, P. N., Usadel, B., Lloyd, J. R., Fernie, A. R., Kossmann, J. & van der Merwe, M. J. The plant growth promoting substance, lumichrome, mimics starch, and ethylene-associated symbiotic responses in lotus and tomato roots. Frontiers in Plant Science 3, 120 (2012).
Brown, N. J., Palmer, B. G., Stanley, S., Hajaji, H., Janacek, S. H., Astley, H. M., Parsley, K., Kajala, K., Quick, W. P., Trenkamp, S., Fernie, A. R., Maurino, V. G. & Hibberd, J. M. C4 acid decarboxylases required for C4 photosynthesis are active in the mid-vein of the C3 species Arabidopsis thaliana, and are important in sugar and amino acid metabolism. The Plant Journal 61, 122–133 (2010).
Sulpice, R., Trenkamp, S., Steinfath, M., Usadel, B., Gibon, Y., Witucka-Wall, H., Pyl, E. T., Tschoep, H., Steinhauser, M.-C., Guenther, M., Hoehne, M., Rohwer, J. M., Altmann, T., Fernie, A. R. & Stitt, M. Network analysis of enzyme activities and metabolite levels and their relationship to biomass in a large panel of Arabidopsis accessions. The Plant Cell 22, 2872–2893 (2010).
Janacek, S. H., Trenkamp, S., Palmer, B., Brown, N. J., Parsley, K., Stanley, S., Astley, H. M., Rolfe, S. A., Quick, W. P., Fernie, A. R. & Hibberd, J. M. Photosynthesis in cells around veins of the C-3 plant Arabidopsis thaliana is important for both the shikimate pathway and leaf senescence as well as contributing to plant fitness. The Plant Journal 59, 329–343 (2009).
Sulpice, R., Pyl, E. T., Ishihara, H., Trenkamp, S., Steinfath, M., Witucka-Wall, H., Gibon, Y., Usadel, B., Poree, F., Piques, M. C., von Korff, M., Steinhauser, M.-C., Keurentjes, J. J. B., Guenther, M., Hoehne, M., Selbig, J., Fernie, A. R., Altmann, T. & Stitt, M. Starch as a major integrator in the regulation of plant growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106, 10348–10353 (2009).
Trenkamp, S., Eckes, P., Busch, M. & Fernie, A. R. Temporally resolved GC-MS-based metabolic profiling of herbicide treated plants treated reveals that changes in polar primary metabolites alone can distinguish herbicides of differing mode of action. Metabolomics 5, 277–291 (2009).
Araujo, W. L., Nunes-Nesi, A., Trenkamp, S., Bunik, V. I. & Fernie, A. R. Inhibition of 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase in Potato Tuber Suggests the Enzyme Is Limiting for Respiration and Confirms Its Importance in Nitrogen Assimilation. Plant Physiology 148, 1782–1796 (2008).
Boettcher, C., Centeno, D., Freitag, J., Hoefgen, R., Koehl, K. I., Kopka, J., Kroymann, J., Matros, A., Mock, H.-P., Neumann, S., Pfalz, M., von Roepenack-Lahaye, E., Schauer, N., Trenkamp, S., Zurbriggen, M. & Fernie, A. R. Teaching (and learning from) metabolomics: The 2006 PlantMetaNet ETNA Metabolomics Research School. Physiologia Plantarum 132, 136–149 (2008).
Schauer, N. & Trenkamp, S. Gesündere Tomaten durch Wildsorten? Gezielte Metabolomanalyse und umfassende Phänotypisierung von interspezifischen Tomatenlinien. GenomXpress 2, 19–21 (2006).

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Depuydt, S., Trenkamp, S., Fernie, A. R., Elftieh, S., Renou, J. P., Vuylsteke, M., Holsters, M. & Vereecke, D. An Integrated Genomics Approach to Define Niche Establishment by Rhodococcus fascians. Plant Physiology 149, 1366–1386 (2009).
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