Publikationen von T. Altmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (71)

Rincent, R., Moreau, L., Monod, H., Kuhn, E., Melchinger, A. E., Malvar, R. A., Moreno-Gonzalez, J., Nicolas, S., Madur, D., Combes, V., Dumas, F., Altmann, T., Brunel, D., Ouzunova, M., Flament, P., Dubreuil, P., Charcosset, A. & Mary-Huard, T. Recovering Power in Association Mapping Panels with Variable Levels of Linkage Disequilibrium. Genetics 197, 375–387 (2014).
Rincent, R., Nicolas, S., Bouchet, S., Altmann, T., Brunel, D., Revilla, P., Malvar, R. A., Moreno-Gonzalez, J., Campo, L., Melchinger, A. E., Schipprack, W., Bauer, E., Schoen, C.-C., Meyer, N., Ouzunova, M., Dubreuil, P., Giauffret, C., Madur, D., Combes, V., Dumas, F., Bauland, C., Jamin, P., Laborde, J., Flament, P., Moreau, L. & Charcosset, A. Dent and Flint maize diversity panels reveal important genetic potential for increasing biomass production. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 127, 2313–2331 (2014).
Andorf, S., Meyer, R. C., Selbig, J., Altmann, T. & Repsilber, D. Integration of a Systems Biological Network Analysis and QTL Results for Biomass Heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 7, e49951 (2012).
Meyer, R. C., Witucka-Wall, H., Becher, M., Blacha, A., Boudichevskaia, A., Doermann, P., Fiehn, O., Friedel, S., von Korff, M., Lisec, J., Melzer, M., Repsilber, D., Schmidt, R., Scholz, M., Selbig, J., Willmitzer, L. & Altmann, T. Heterosis manifestation during early Arabidopsis seedling development is characterized by intermediate gene expression and enhanced metabolic activity in the hybrids. The Plant Journal 71, 669–683 (2012).
Riedelsheimer, C., Czedik-Eysenberg, A., Grieder, C., Lisec, J., Technow, F., Sulpice, R., Altmann, T., Stitt, M., Willmitzer, L. & Melchinger, A. E. Genomic and metabolic prediction of complex heterotic traits in hybrid maize. Nature Genetics 44, 217–220 (2012).
Riedelsheimer, C., Lisec, J., Czedik-Eysenberg, A., Sulpice, R., Flis, A., Grieder, C., Altmann, T., Stitt, M., Willmitzer, L. & Melchinger, A. E. Genome-wide association mapping of leaf metabolic profiles for dissecting complex traits in maize. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 8872–8877 (2012).
Riewe, D., Koohi, M., Lisec, J., Pfeiffer, M., Lippmann, R., Schmeichel, J., Willmitzer, L. & Altmann, T. A tyrosine aminotransferase involved in tocopherol synthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 71, 850–859 (2012).
Haedrich, N., Gibon, Y., Schudoma, C., Altmann, T., Lunn, J. E. & Stitt, M. Use of TILLING and robotised enzyme assays to generate an allelic series of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with altered ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase activity. Journal of Plant Physiology 168, 1395–1405 (2011).
Andorf, S., Selbig, J., Altmann, T., Poos, K., Witucka-Wall, H. & Repsilber, D. Enriched partial correlations in genome-wide gene expression profiles of hybrids (A. thaliana): a systems biological approach towards the molecular basis of heterosis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120, 249–259 (2010).
Childs, L. H., Witucka-Wall, H., Gunther, T., Sulpice, R., Korff, M. V., Stitt, M., Walther, D., Schmid, K. J. & Altmann, T. Single feature polymorphism (SFP)-based selective sweep identification and association mapping of growth-related metabolic traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Genomics 11, 188 (2010).
Meyer, R. C., Kusterer, B., Lisec, J., Steinfath, M., Becher, M., Scharr, H., Melchinger, A. E., Selbig, J., Schurr, U., Willmitzer, L. & Altmann, T. QTL analysis of early stage heterosis for biomass in Arabidopsis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120, 227–237 (2010).
Steinfath, M., Gaertner, T., Lisec, J., Meyer, R. C., Altmann, T., Willmitzer, L. & Selbig, J. Prediction of hybrid biomass in Arabidopsis thaliana by selected parental SNP and metabolic markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120, 239–247 (2010).
Sulpice, R., Trenkamp, S., Steinfath, M., Usadel, B., Gibon, Y., Witucka-Wall, H., Pyl, E. T., Tschoep, H., Steinhauser, M.-C., Guenther, M., Hoehne, M., Rohwer, J. M., Altmann, T., Fernie, A. R. & Stitt, M. Network analysis of enzyme activities and metabolite levels and their relationship to biomass in a large panel of Arabidopsis accessions. The Plant Cell 22, 2872–2893 (2010).
Andorf, S., Gaertner, T., Steinfath, M., Witucka-Wall, H., Altmann, T. & Repsilber, D. Towards Systems Biology of Heterosis: A Hypothesis about Molecular Network Structure Applied for the Arabidopsis Metabolome. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 147157 (2009). doi:10.1155/2009/147157
Gaertner, T., Steinfath, M., Andorf, S., Lisec, J., Meyer, R. C., Altmann, T., Willmitzer, L. & Selbig, J. Improved Heterosis Prediction by Combining Information on DNA- and Metabolic Markers. PLoS One 4, e5220 (2009).
Lisec, J., Steinfath, M., Meyer, R. C., Selbig, J., Melchinger, A. E., Willmitzer, L. & Altmann, T. Identification of heterotic metabolite QTL in Arabidopsis thaliana RIL and IL populations. Plant Journal 59, 777–788 (2009).
Sulpice, R., Pyl, E. T., Ishihara, H., Trenkamp, S., Steinfath, M., Witucka-Wall, H., Gibon, Y., Usadel, B., Poree, F., Piques, M. C., von Korff, M., Steinhauser, M.-C., Keurentjes, J. J. B., Guenther, M., Hoehne, M., Selbig, J., Fernie, A. R., Altmann, T. & Stitt, M. Starch as a major integrator in the regulation of plant growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106, 10348–10353 (2009).
Lisec, J., Meyer, R. C., Steinfath, M., Redestig, H., Becher, M., Witucka-Wall, H., Fiehn, O., Torjek, O., Selbig, J., Altmann, T. & Willmitzer, L. Identification of metabolic and biomass QTL in Arabidopsis thaliana in a parallel analysis of RIL and IL populations. Plant Journal 53, 960–972 (2008).
Rautengarten, C., Usadel, B., Neumetzler, L., Hartmann, J., Buessis, D. & Altmann, T. A subtilisin-like serine protease essential for mucilage release from Arabidopsis seed coats. Plant Journal 54, 466–480 (2008).
Toerjek, O., Meyer, R. C., Zehnsdorf, M., Teltow, M., Strompen, G., Witucka-Wall, H., Blacha, A. & Altmann, T. Construction and analysis of 2 reciprocal Arabidopsis introgression line populations. Journal of Heredity 99, 396–406 (2008).
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