Publikationen von L. H. Childs

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Scharff, L. B., Ehrnthaler, M., Janowski, M., Childs, L. H., Hasse, C., Gremmels, J., Ruf, S., Zoschke, R. & Bock, R. Shine-Dalgarno Sequences Play an Essential Role in the Translation of Plastid mRNAs in Tobacco. Plant Cell 29, 3085–3101 (2017).
Zhang, J., Ruf, S., Hasse, C., Childs, L., Scharff, L. B. & Bock, R. Identification of cis-elements conferring high levels of gene expression in non-green plastids. Plant Journal 72, 115–128 (2012).
Zuther, E., Schulz, E., Childs, L. H. & Hincha, D. K. Clinal variation in the non-acclimated and cold-acclimated freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Plant Cell and Environment 35, 1860–1878 (2012).
Ryngajllo, M., Childs, L., Lohse, M., Giorgi, F. M., Lude, A., Selbig, J. & Usadel, B. SLocX: predicting subcellular localization of Arabidopsis proteins leveraging gene expression data. Frontiers in Plant Science 2, 43 (2011).
Scharff, L. B., Childs, L., Walther, D. & Bock, R. Local Absence of Secondary Structure Permits Translation of mRNAs that Lack Ribosome-Binding Sites. PLoS Genetics 7, e1002155 (2011).
Lohse, M., Nunes-Nesi, A., Krueger, P., Nagel, A., Hannemann, J., Giorgi, F. M., Childs, L., Osorio, S., Walther, D., Selbig, J., Sreenivasulu, N., Stitt, M., Fernie, A. R. & Usadel, B. Robin: An Intuitive Wizard Application for R-Based Expression Microarray Quality Assessment and Analysis. Plant Physiology 153, 642–651 (2010).
Childs, L., Nikoloski, Z., May, P. & Walther, D. Identification and classification of ncRNA molecules using graph properties. Nucleic Acids Research 37, e66 (2009).

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Meyer, R. C., Lisec, J., Sulpice, R., Steinfath, M., Gaertner, T., Becher, M., Witucka-Wall, H., von Korff, M., Gunther, T., Childs, L., Scharr, H., Walter, A., Torjek, O., Fiehn, O., Schurr, U., Schmid, K., Walther, D., Gibon, Y., Selbig, J., Stitt, M., Willmitzer, L. & Altmann, T. Analysis of Arabidopsis natural variation in biomass accumulation and metabolism. in New Biotechnology 25, S307–S307 (2009).
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