Publikationen von A. Massouh

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Malinova, I., Zupok, A., Massouh, A., Schöttler, M. A., Meyer, E. H., Yaneva-Roder, L., Szymanski, W. G., Rößner, M., Ruf, S., Bock, R. & Greiner, S. Correction of Frameshift Mutations in the atpB Gene by Translational Recoding in Chloroplasts of Oenothera and Tobacco. The Plant Cell 33, 1682–1705 (2021).
Massouh, A., Schubert, J., Yaneva-Roder, L., Ulbricht-Jones, E. S., Zupok, A., Johnson, M. T. J., Wright, S. I., Pellizer, T., Sobanski, J., Bock, R. & Greiner, S. Spontaneous Chloroplast Mutants Mostly Occur by Replication Slippage and Show a Biased Pattern in the Plastome of Oenothera. The Plant Cell 28, 911–929 (2016).
Golczyk, H., Massouh, A. & Greiner, S. Translocations of Chromosome End-Segments and Facultative Heterochromatin Promote Meiotic Ring Formation in Evening Primroses. The Plant Cell 26, 1280–1293 (2014).
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