Archiv der bisher stattgefundenen Seminare

Vortragender: Mary Wiliams Ort: Central Building
“Career building: Where do you want to go and how will you get there?” Once upon a time, it was common for young scientists to be offered faculty positions immediately after completing their PhDs. Now the world is a different place, and statistically speaking most of you will not become a professor, although some of you certainly will. At this point in your career you should be thinking carefully about what career options are interesting and available to you, and how to position yourself to be qualified for those jobs. How do you decide what career would be best for you? How do you balance the demands of your research with skill building? How do you secure interviews for the hard-to-find professorships? I’ll share my knowledge of career building resources and strategies and help you to expand your career horizons. [mehr]

Mary Wiliams - Publishing and reviewing papers

What do journal editors look for in a submission? Why is the cover letter so important? How does one respond to a negative review? Using The Plant Cell as an example, I will provide an overview of the editorial decision process and describe what happens after your paper is submitted. Guidelines for how to respond to peer review as well as how to be an effective peer reviewer will also be discussed, as will models of pre-publication peer review (e.g., BiorXiv) and post-publication peer review. [mehr]
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