Publikationen von S. Kunz

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Karojet, S., Kunz, S. & van Dongen, J. T. Microbacterium yannicii sp. nov., isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana roots. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62, 822–826 (2012).
Schwachtje, J., Karojet, S., Kunz, S., Brouwer, S. & van Dongen, J. T. Plant-growth promoting effect of newly isolated rhizobacteria varies between two Arabidopsis ecotypes. Plant Signaling & Behavior 7, 623–627 (2012).
Schwachtje, J., Karojet, S., Thormaehlen, I., Bernholz, C., Kunz, S., Brouwer, S., Schwochow, M., Koehl, K. I. & van Dongen, J. T. A Naturally Associated Rhizobacterium of Arabidopsis thaliana Induces a Starvation-Like Transcriptional Response while Promoting Growth. PLoS One 6, e29382 (2011).
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