Publikationen von F. Dethloff

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Dethloff, F., Orf, I. & Kopka, J. Rapid in situ 13C tracing of sucrose utilization in Arabidopsis sink and source leaves. Plant Methods 13, (2017).
Kopka, J., Schmidt, S., Dethloff, F., Pade, N., Berendt, S., Schottkowski, M., Martin, N., Dühring, U., Kuchmina, E., Enke, H., Kramer, D., Wilde, A., Hagemann, M. & Friedrich, A. Systems analysis of ethanol production in the genetically engineered cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002. Biotechnology for Biofuels 10, (2017).
Pade, N., Erdmann, S., Enke, H., Dethloff, F., Duehring, U., Georg, J., Wambutt, J., Kopka, J., Hess, W. R., Zimmermann, R., Kramer, D. & Hagemann, M. Insights into isoprene production using the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. Biotechnology for Biofuels 9, (2016).
Schmidt, S., Dethloff, F., Beine-Golovchuk, O. & Kopka, J. REIL proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana interact in yeast-2-hybrid assays with homologs of the yeast RLP24, RPl24a, RLP24b, ARX1, and jjj1 proteins. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9, (2014).
Schmidt, S., Dethloff, F., Beine-Golovchuk, O. & Kopka, J. The REIL1 and REIL2 proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana are required for leaf growth in the cold. Plant Physiology 163, 1623–1639 (2013).

Buchkapitel (4)

Erban, A., Martinez-Seidel, F., Rajarathinam, Y., Dethloff, F., Orf, I., Fehrle, I., Alpers, J., Beine-Golovchuk, O. & Kopka, J. in Plant Cold Acclimation: Methods in molecular biology (Hrsg. Hincha, D. K. & Zuther, E.) 2156, 203–239 (2020).
Dethloff, F., Erban, A., Orf, I., Alpers, J., Fehrle, I., Beine-Golovchuk, O., Schmidt, S., Schwachtje, J. & Kopka, J. in Plant Cold Acclimation: Methods and Protocols 171–197 (HUMANA PRESS INC, 999 RIVERVIEW DR, STE 208, TOTOWA, NJ 07512-1165 USA, 2014). doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-0844-8_14
Huege, J., Goetze, J., Dethloff, F., Junker, B. & Kopka, J. in Plant Chemical Genomics: Methods and Protocols 213–223 (HUMANA PRESS INC, 2014). doi:10.1007/978-1-62703-592-7_20
Huege, J., Goetze, J., Dethloff, F., Junker, B. & Kopka, J. in Methods in Molecular Biology 1056, 213–223 (Humana Press Inc., 2012).
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