Publikationen von S. Tedesco

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Tedesco, S., Irisarri, P., Teixeira Santos, M., Fevereiro, P., Pina, A. & Kragler, F. Early detection of grapevine graft incompatibility: Insights into translocated and virus-induced incompatibility. Scientia Horticulturae 318, (2023).
Tedesco, S., Erban, A., Gupta, S., Kopka, J., Fevereiro, P., Kragler, F. & Pina, A. The Impact of Metabolic Scion–Rootstock Interactions in Different Grapevine Tissues and Phloem Exudates. Metabolites 11, (2021).
Tedesco, S., Pina, A., Fevereiro, P. & Kragler, F. A Phenotypic Search on Graft Compatibility in Grapevine. Agronomy 10, (2020).
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