Publikationen von N. Vaid

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Duarte, G. T., Pandey, P. K., Vaid, N., Alseekh, S., Fernie, A. R., Nikoloski, Z. & Laitinen, R. Plasticity of rosette size in response to nitrogen availability is controlled by an RCC1-family protein. Plant, Cell and Environment 44, 3398–3411 (2021).
Vaid, N., Ishihara, H., Plötner, B., Sageman-Furnas, K., Wiszniewski, A. A. G. & Laitinen, R. Leaf chlorosis in Arabidopsis thaliana hybrids is associated with transgenerational decline and imbalanced ribosome number. New Phytologist 228, 989–1000 (2020).
Pandey, P. K., Quilichini, T. D., Vaid, N., Gao, P., Xiang, D. & Datla, R. Versatile and multifaceted CRISPR/Cas gene editing tool for plant research. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 96, 107–114 (2019).
Pandey, P. K., Yu, J., Omranian, N., Alseekh, S., Vaid, N., Fernie, A. R., Nikoloski, Z. & Laitinen, R. Plasticity in metabolism underpins local responses to nitrogen in Arabidopsis thaliana populations. Plant Direct 3, (2019).
Vaid, N. & Laitinen, R. Diverse paths to hybrid incompatibility in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 97, 199–213 (2019).
Janowski, M., Zoschke, R., Scharff, L. B., Martinez-Jaime, S., Ferrari, C., Proost, S., Ng Wei Xiong, J., Omranian, N., Musialak-Lange, M., Nikoloski, Z., Graf, A., Schöttler, M. A., Sampathkumar, A., Vaid, N. & Mutwil, M. AtRsgA from Arabidopsis thaliana is important for maturation of the small subunit of the chloroplast ribosome. The Plant Journal 96, 404–420 (2018).
Hansen, B. O., Meyer, E. H., Ferrari, C., Vaid, N., Movahedi, S., Vandepoele, K., Nikoloski, Z. & Mutwil, M. Ensemble gene function prediction database reveals genes important for complex I formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 217, 1521–1534 (2018).
Ploetner, B., Nurmi, M., Fischer, A., Watanabe, M., Schneeberger, K., Holm, S., Vaid, N., Schöttler, M. A., Walther, D., Hoefgen, R., Weigel, D. & Laitinen, R. Chlorosis caused by two recessively interacting genes reveals a role of RNA helicase in hybrid breakdown in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 91, 251–262 (2017).
Ruprecht, C., Vaid, N., Proost, S., Persson, S. & Mutwil, M. Beyond Genomics: Studying Evolution with Gene Coexpression Networks. Trends in Plant Science 22, 298–307 (2017).
Sibout, R., Proost, S., Hansen, B. O., Vaid, N., Giorgi, F. M., Ho-Yue-Kuang, S., Legee, F., Cezart, L., Bouchabke-Coussa, O., Soulhat, C., Provart, N., Pasha, A., Le Bris, P., Roujol, D., Hofte, H., Jamet, E., Lapierre, C., Persson, S. & Mutwil, M. Expression atlas and comparative coexpression network analyses reveal important genes involved in the formation of lignified cell wall in Brachypodium distachyon. New Phytologist 215, 1009–1025 (2017).

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Hansen, B. O., Vaid, N., Musialak-Lange, M., Janowski, M. & Mutwil, M. Elucidating gene function and function evolution through comparison of co-expression networks of plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 5, (2014).
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