Publikationen von J. E. Lunn

Zeitschriftenartikel (109)

Annunziata, M. G., Apelt, F., Carillo, P., Krause, U., Feil, R., Koehl, K. I., Lunn, J. E. & Stitt, M. Response of Arabidopsis primary metabolism and circadian clock to low night temperature in a natural light environment. Journal of Experimental Botany 69, 4881–4895 (2018).
Fedosejevs, E. T., Feil, R., Lunn, J. E. & Plaxton, W. C. The signal metabolite trehalose-6-phosphate inhibits the sucrolytic activity of sucrose synthase from developing castor beans. FEBS Letters 592, 2525–2532 (2018).
Verbančič, J., Lunn, J. E., Stitt, M. & Persson, S. Carbon Supply and the Regulation of Cell Wall Synthesis. Molecular Plant 11, 75–94 (2018).
Zhai, Z., Keereetaweep, J., Liu, H., Feil, R., Lunn, J. E. & Shanklin, J. Trehalose 6-Phosphate Positively Regulates Fatty Acid Synthesis by Stabilizing WRINKLED1. The Plant Cell 30, 2616–2627 (2018).
Annunziata, M. G., Apelt, F., Carillo, P., Krause, U., Feil, R., Mengin, V., Lauxmann, M., Koehl, K. I., Nikoloski, Z., Stitt, M., Lunn, J. E. & Raines, C. Getting back to nature: a reality check for experiments in controlled environments. Journal of Experimental Botany 68, 4463–4477 (2017).
Bledsoe, S. W., Henry, C., Griffiths, C. A., Paul, M. J., Feil, R., Lunn, J. E., Stitt, M. & Lagrimini, L. M. The role of Tre6P and SnRK1 in maize early kernel development and events leading to stress-induced kernel abortion. BMC Plant Biology 17, (2017).
Fernandez, O., Ishihara, H., George, G. M., Mengin, V., Flis, A., Sumner, D., Arrivault, S., Feil, R., Lunn, J. E., Zeeman, S. C., Smith, A. M. & Stitt, M. Leaf Starch Turnover Occurs in Long Days and in Falling Light at the End of the Day. Plant Physiology 174, 2199–2212 (2017).
Ficarra, F. A., Grandellis, C., Galván, E. M., Ielpi, L., Feil, R., Lunn, J. E., Gottig, N. & Ottado, J. Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri requires the outer membrane porin OprB for maximal virulence and biofilm formation. Molecular Plant Pathology 18, 720–733 (2017).
Fichtner, F., Barbier, F. F., Feil, R., Watanabe, M., Annunziata, M. G., Chabikwa, T. G., Hoefgen, R., Stitt, M., Beveridge, C. A. & Lunn, J. E. Trehalose 6-phosphate is involved in triggering axillary bud outgrowth in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.). The Plant Journal 92, 611–623 (2017).
Hill, B. L., Figueroa, C. M., Asencion Diez, M. D., Lunn, J. E., Iglesias, A. A. & Ballicora, M. A. On the stability of nucleoside diphosphate glucose metabolites: implications for studies of plant carbohydrate metabolism. Journal of Experimental Botany 68, 3331–3337 (2017).
Malinova, I., Alseekh, S., Feil, R., Fernie, A. R., Baumann, O., Schöttler, M. A., Lunn, J. E. & Fettke, J. Starch synthase 4 and plastidal phosphorylase differentially affect starch granule number and morphology. Plant Physiology 174, 73–85 (2017).
Santelia, D. & Lunn, J. E. Transitory starch metabolism in guard cells: unique features for a unique function. Plant Physiology 174, 539–549 (2017).
Zhang, W., Lunn, J. E., Feil, R., Wang, Y., Zhao, J., Tao, H., Guo, Y. & Zhao, Z. Trehalose 6-phosphate signal is closely related to sorbitol in apple (Malus domestica Borkh. Cv. Gala). Biology Open 6, 260–268 (2017).
Cookson, S. J., Yadav, U. P., Klie, S., Morcuende, R., Usadel, B., Lunn, J. E. & Stitt, M. Temporal kinetics of the transcriptional response to carbon depletion and sucrose readdition in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant, Cell and Environment 39, 768–786 (2016).
Lauxmann, M., Annunziata, M. G., Brunoud, G., Wahl, V., Koczut, A., Burgos, A., Olas, J. J., Maximova, E., Abel, C., Schlereth, A., Soja, A. M., Bläsing, O. E., Lunn, J. E., Vernoux, T. & Stitt, M. Reproductive failure in Arabidopsis thaliana under transient carbohydrate limitation: flowers and very young siliques are jettisoned and the meristem is maintained to allow successful resumption of reproductive growth. Plant, Cell and Environment 39, 745–767 (2016).
Bechtold, U., Penfold, C. A., Jenkins, D. J., Legaie, R., Moore, J. D., Lawson, T., Matthews, J. S. A., Vialet-Chabrand, S. R. M., Baxter, L., Subramaniam, S., Hickman, R., Florance, H., Sambles, C., Salmon, D. L., Feil, R., Bowden, L., Hill, C., Baker, N. R., Lunn, J. E., Finkenstaedt, B., Mead, A., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Beynon, J., Rand, D. A., Wild, D. L., Denby, K. J., Ott, S., Smirnoff, N. & Mullineaux, P. M. Time-Series Transcriptomics Reveals That AGAMOUS-LIKE22 Affects Primary Metabolism and Developmental Processes in Drought-Stressed Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 28, 345–366 (2016).
Czedik-Eysenberg, A., Arrivault, S., Lohse, M. A., Feil, R., Krohn, N., Encke, B., Nunes-Nesi, A., Fernie, A. R., Lunn, J. E., Sulpice, R. & Stitt, M. The interplay between carbon availability and growth in different zones of the growing maize leaf. Plant Physiology 172, 943–967 (2016).
Dyson, B. C., Miller, M. A. E., Feil, R., Rattray, N., Bowsher, C. G., Goodacre, R., Lunn, J. E. & Johnson, G. N. FUM2, a cytosolic fumarase, is essential for acclimation to low temperature in arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 172, 118–127 (2016).
Figueroa, C. M., Feil, R., Ishihara, H., Watanabe, M., Kolling, K., Krause, U., Höhne, M., Encke, B., Plaxton, W. C., Zeeman, S. C., Li, Z., Schulze, W. X., Hoefgen, R., Stitt, M. & Lunn, J. E. Trehalose 6-phosphate coordinates organic and amino acid metabolism with carbon availability. The Plant Journal 85, 410–423 (2016).
Martin, A. P., Palmer, W. M., Brown, C., Abel, C., Lunn, J. E., Furbank, R. T. & Grof, C. P. L. A developing Setaria viridis internode: an experimental system for the study of biomass generation in a C-4 model species. Biotechnology for Biofuels 9, (2016).
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