Archiv der bisher stattgefundenen Seminare

Vortragender: Michele Zaccai Raum: Seminar Room

Michele Zaccai - Exploring the regulation of flowering in lily

August 2016
Lilium longiflorum (Easter lily) is a leading ornamental bulbouscrop worldwide. Lily flowering time is primarily controlled by cold exposure(vernalization). We investigated the response of lily to vernalization using atranscriptome assembled from meristems of cooled and non-cooled bulbs, followedby expression analyses and gene annotation. Full cDNA coding sequences ofseveral genes overexpressed in lily and Arabidopsis altered their floweringtime. Other experiments showedthat, contrarily to the common assumption, Easter lily doesn't have anobligatory requirement for vernalization and that bulb size controls floweringpathways. [mehr]
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