Publikationen von A. R. Fernie

Zeitschriftenartikel (1033)

Brautigam, K.; Dietzel, L.; Kleine, T.; Stroher, E.; Wormuth, D.; Dietz, K. J.; Radke, D.; Wirtz, M.; Hell, R.; Doermann, P. et al.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Schauer, N.; Fernie, A. R.; Oliver, S. N.; Geigenberger, P.; Leister, D.; Pfannschmidt, T.: Dynamic Plastid Redox Signals Integrate Gene Expression and Metabolism to Induce Distinct Metabolic States in Photosynthetic Acclimation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 21 (9), S. 2715 - 2732 (2009)
Fernie, A. R.; Martinoia, E.: Malate. Jack of all trades or master of a few? Phytochemistry 70 (7), S. 828 - 832 (2009)
Gilbert, L.; Alhagdow, M.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Quemener, B.; Guillon, F.; Bouchet, B.; Faurobert, M.; Gouble, B.; Page, D.; Garcia, V. et al.; Petit, J.; Stevens, R.; Causse, M.; Fernie, A. R.; Lahaye, M.; Rothan, C.; Baldet, P.: GDP-d-mannose 3,5-epimerase (GME) plays a key role at the intersection of ascorbate and non-cellulosic cell-wall biosynthesis in tomato. The Plant Journal 60 (3), S. 499 - 508 (2009)
Janacek, S. H.; Trenkamp, S.; Palmer, B.; Brown, N. J.; Parsley, K.; Stanley, S.; Astley, H. M.; Rolfe, S. A.; Quick, W. P.; Fernie, A. R. et al.; Hibberd, J. M.: Photosynthesis in cells around veins of the C-3 plant Arabidopsis thaliana is important for both the shikimate pathway and leaf senescence as well as contributing to plant fitness. The Plant Journal 59 (2), S. 329 - 343 (2009)
Lehmann, M.; Schwarzlander, M.; Obata, T.; Sirikantaramas, S.; Burow, M.; Olsen, C. E.; Tohge, T.; Fricker, M. D.; Moller, B. L.; Fernie, A. R. et al.; Sweetlove, L. J.; Laxa, M.: The Metabolic Response of Arabidopsis Roots to Oxidative Stress is Distinct from that of Heterotrophic Cells in Culture and Highlights a Complex Relationship between the Levels of Transcripts, Metabolites, and Flux. Molecular Plant 2 (3), S. 390 - 406 (2009)
Liu, Y. J.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Wallstrom, S. V.; Lager, I.; Michalecka, A. M.; Norberg, F. E. B.; Widell, S.; Fredlund, K. M.; Fernie, A. R.; Rasmusson, A. G.: A Redox-Mediated Modulation of Stem Bolting in Transgenic Nicotiana sylvestris Differentially Expressing the External Mitochondrial NADPH Dehydrogenase. Plant Physiology 150 (3), S. 1248 - 1259 (2009)
Lytovchenko, A.; Beleggia, R.; Schauer, N.; Isaacson, T.; Leuendorf, J. E.; Hellmann, H.; Rose, J. K. C.; Fernie, A. R.: Application of GC-MS for the detection of lipophilic compounds in diverse plant tissues. Plant Methods 5, S. 4 (2009)
Marchive, C.; Yehudai-Resheff, S.; Germain, A.; Fei, Z. J.; Jiang, X. S.; Judkins, J.; Wu, H.; Fernie, A. R.; Fait, A.; Stern, D. B.: Abnormal Physiological and Molecular Mutant Phenotypes Link Chloroplast Polynucleotide Phosphorylase to the Phosphorus Deprivation Response in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 151 (2), S. 905 - 924 (2009)
Osorio, S.; Tohge, T.; Fernie, A. R.: Application of metabolomic profiling for identififying valuable traits in tomato. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 4 (024), S. 1 - 9 (2009)
Palmieri, F.; Rieder, B.; Ventrella, A.; Blanco, E.; Do, P. T.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Trauth, A. U.; Fiermonte, G.; Tjaden, J.; Agrimi, G. et al.; Kirchberger, S.; Paradies, E.; Fernie, A. R.; Neuhaus, H. E.: Molecular Identification and Functional Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana Mitochondrial and Chloroplastic NAD(+) Carrier Proteins. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (45), S. 31249 - 31259 (2009)
Strodtkotter, I.; Padmasree, K.; Dinakar, C.; Speth, B.; Niazi, P. S.; Wojtera, J.; Voss, I.; Do, P. T.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Fernie, A. R. et al.; Linke, V.; Raghavendra, A. S.; Scheibe, R.: Induction of the AOX1D Isoform of Alternative Oxidase in A-thaliana T-DNA Insertion Lines Lacking Isoform AOX1A Is Insufficient to Optimize Photosynthesis when Treated with Antimycin A. Molecular Plant 2 (2), S. 284 - 297 (2009)
Sulpice, R.; Pyl, E. T.; Ishihara, H.; Trenkamp, S.; Steinfath, M.; Witucka-Wall, H.; Gibon, Y.; Usadel, B.; Poree, F.; Piques, M. C. et al.; von Korff, M.; Steinhauser, M.-C.; Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Guenther, M.; Hoehne, M.; Selbig, J.; Fernie, A. R.; Altmann, T.; Stitt, M.: Starch as a major integrator in the regulation of plant growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (25), S. 10348 - 10353 (2009)
Tohge, T.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Fernie, A. R.: Finding the paths -metabolomics and approaches to metabolic flux analysis for defining metabolic pathways and their regulation. Biochemist 31, S. 2 - 6 (2009)
Trenkamp, S.; Eckes, P.; Busch, M.; Fernie, A. R.: Temporally resolved GC-MS-based metabolic profiling of herbicide treated plants treated reveals that changes in polar primary metabolites alone can distinguish herbicides of differing mode of action. Metabolomics 5 (3), S. 277 - 291 (2009)
van der Merwe, M. J.; Osorio, S.; Moritz, T.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Fernie, A. R.: Decreased Mitochondrial Activities of Malate Dehydrogenase and Fumarase in Tomato Lead to Altered Root Growth and Architecture via Diverse Mechanisms. Plant Physiology 149 (2), S. 653 - 669 (2009)
van Dongen, J. T.; Frohlich, A.; Ramirez-Aguilar, S. J.; Schauer, N.; Fernie, A. R.; Erban, A.; Kopka, J.; Clark, J.; Langer, A.; Geigenberger, P.: Transcript and metabolite profiling of the adaptive response to mild decreases in oxygen concentration in the roots of arabidopsis plants. Annals of Botany 103 (2), S. 269 - 280 (2009)
Wang, H.; Schauer, N.; Usadel, B.; Frasse, P.; Zouine, M.; Hernould, M.; Latche, A.; Pech, J. C.; Fernie, A. R.; Bouzayen, M.: Regulatory Features Underlying Pollination-Dependent and -Independent Tomato Fruit Set Revealed by Transcript and Primary Metabolite Profiling. The Plant Cell 21 (5), S. 1428 - 1452 (2009)
Weigelt, K.; Kuester, H.; Rutten, T.; Fait, A.; Fernie, A. R.; Miersch, O.; Wasternack, C.; Emery, R. J. N.; Desel, C.; Hosein, F. et al.; Mueller, M.; Saalbach, I.; Weber, H.: ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase-Deficient Pea Embryos Reveal Specific Transcriptional and Metabolic Changes of Carbon-Nitrogen Metabolism and Stress Responses. Plant Physiology 149 (1), S. 395 - 411 (2009)
Wirth, J.; Poletti, S.; Aeschlimann, B.; Yakandawala, N.; Drosse, B.; Osorio, S.; Tohge, T.; Fernie, A. R.; Gunther, D.; Gruissem, W. et al.; Sautter, C.: Rice endosperm iron biofortification by targeted and synergistic action of nicotianamine synthase and ferritin. Plant Biotechnology Journal 7 (7), S. 631 - 644 (2009)
Zanor, M. I.; Osorio, S.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Carrari, F.; Lohse, M.; Usadel, B.; Kuehn, C.; Bleiss, W.; Giavalisco, P.; Willmitzer, L. et al.; Sulpice, R.; Zhou, Y. H.; Fernie, A. R.: RNA Interference of LIN5 in Tomato Confirms Its Role in Controlling Brix Content, Uncovers the Influence of Sugars on the Levels of Fruit Hormones, and Demonstrates the Importance of Sucrose Cleavage for Normal Fruit Development and Fertility. Plant Physiology 150 (3), S. 1204 - 1218 (2009)
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