Publikationen der Gruppe
Zeitschriftenartikel (157)
33 (5), e4989 (2024)
Functional in vitro diversity of an intrinsically disordered plant protein during freeze–thawing is encoded by its structural plasticity. Protein Science 2.
15, 2792 (2024)
The thylakoid proton antiporter KEA3 regulates photosynthesis in response to the chloroplast energy status. Nature Communications 3.
241 (3), S. 1144 - 1160 (2023)
Genomic imprints of unparalleled growth. New Phytologist 4.
5 (4), lqad097 (2023)
Predictions of DNA mechanical properties at a genomic scale reveal potentially new functional roles of DNA flexibility. NAR: genomics and bioinformatics 5.
116 (4), S. 1172 - 1193 (2023)
The interplay of post-translational protein modifications in Arabidopsis leaves during photosynthesis induction. The Plant Journal 6.
9, S. 1818 - 1831 (2023)
Targeted knockout of a conserved plant mitochondrial gene by genome editing. Nature Plants 7.
193 (2), S. 980 - 1000 (2023)
Metabolome plasticity in 241 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions reveals evolutionary cold adaptation processes. Plant Physiology 8.
40 (9), msad194 (2023)
Updated phylogeny and protein structure predictions revise the hypothesis on the origin of MADS-box transcription factors in land plants. Molecular Biology and Evolution 9.
14, 3749 (2023)
A joint proteomic and genomic investigation provides insights into the mechanism of calcification in coccolithophores. Nature Communications 10.
39 (12), msac222 (2022)
Emergence of novel RNA editing sites by changes in the binding affinity of a conserved PPR protein. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11.
45 (11), S. 3305 - 3321 (2022)
Comparative transcriptomics analysis reveals a calcineurin B-like gene to positively regulate constitutive and acclimated freezing tolerance in potato. Plant, Cell and Environment 12.
174 (4), e13746 (2022)
Co-expression networks of deacclimation-impaired transcription factor mutants identified complex regulation of the cold stress release response. Physiologia Plantarum 13.
4 (2), lqac027 (2022)
Graph-based models of the Oenothera mitochondrial genome capture the enormous complexity of higher plant mitochondrial DNA organization. NAR: genomics and bioinformatics 14.
13, 849329 (2022)
PRI: Re-analysis of a public mass cytometry dataset reveals patterns of effective tumor treatments. Frontiers in immunology 15.
2 (1), vbac001 (2022)
Biclique extension as an effective approach to identify missing links in metabolic compound-protein interaction networks. Bioinformatics advances 16.
22, 605 (2021)
COSNet(i): ComplexOme-Structural Network Interpreter used to study spatial enrichment in metazoan ribosomes. BMC Bioinformatics 17.
40 (15), e106800 (2021)
Tyr-Asp inhibition of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase affects plant redox metabolism. EMBO Journal 18.
12, 624365 (2021)
A Multi-OMICs Approach Sheds Light on the Higher Yield Phenotype and Enhanced Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Tobacco Lines Expressing the Carrot lycopene β-cyclase1 Gene. Frontiers in Plant Science 19.
22 (1), 390 (2021)
Identification of cis-regulatory motifs in first introns and the prediction of intron-mediated enhancement of gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Genomics 20.
9 (7), 1374 (2021)
The microbiome associated with the reef builder neogoniolithon sp. In the eastern mediterranean. Microorganisms 21.
19 (3), S. 477 - 489 (2021)
Deciphering Transcriptional Regulators of Banana Fruit Ripening by Regulatory Network Analysis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 22.
22 (11), 6160 (2021)
Spatially enriched paralog rearrangements argue functionally diverse ribosomes arise during cold acclimation in arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23.
22 (11), 6123 (2021)
Genome-wide approach to identify quantitative trait loci for drought tolerance in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24.
48 (20), S. 11347 - 11369 (2020)
Determinants of correlated expression of transcription factors and their target genes. Nucleic Acids Research 25.
117 (36), S. 22452 - 22461 (2020)
Phosphoglycolate salvage in a chemolithoautotroph using the Calvin cycle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 26.
10 (1), 7202 (2020)
Polymorphisms in miRNA binding sites involved in metabolic diseases in mice and humans. Scientific Reports 27.
48 (13), S. 7607 - 7607 (2020)
PlaMoM: a comprehensive database compiles plant mobile macromolecules. Nucleic acids research 28.
11, 1071 (2020)
Can Metabolite- and Transcript-Based Selection for Drought Tolerance in Solanum tuberosum Replace Selection on Yield in Arid Environments? Frontiers in Plant Science 29.
9 (3), 319 (2020)
Growth under fluctuating light reveals large trait variation in a panel of arabidopsis accessions. Plants 30.
21 (8), 2794 (2020)
Similar yet different–structural and functional diversity among arabidopsis thaliana LEA_4 proteins. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 31.
21 (21), 8148 (2020)
Utilizing PacBio Iso-Seq for Novel Transcript and Gene Discovery of Abiotic Stress Responses in Oryza sativa L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 32.
21 (5), 1720 (2020)
Evaluation of seven different rna-seq alignment tools based on experimental data from the model plant arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 33.
77, S. 705 - 718 (2020)
A novel seed plants gene regulates oxidative stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 34.
43 (9), S. 2066 - 2079 (2020)
Metabolomic markers and physiological adaptations for high phosphate utilization efficiency in rice. Plant, Cell and Environment 35.
11, 1118 (2020)
Cysteine and Methionine Biosynthetic Enzymes Have Distinct Effects on Seed Nutritional Quality and on Molecular Phenotypes Associated With Accumulation of a Methionine-Rich Seed Storage Protein in Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science 36.
10 (4), 148 (2020)
Involvement of lactate and pyruvate in the anti-inflammatory effects exerted by voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Metabolites 37.
180 (1), S. 654 - 681 (2019)
Highly Resolved Systems Biology to Dissect the Etioplast-to-Chloroplast Transition in Tobacco Leaves. Plant Physiology 38.
9 (6), 305 (2019)
Effect of Senescence Phenotypes and Nitrate Availability on Wheat Leaf Metabolome during Grain Filling. Agronomy 39.
116 (12), S. 5665 - 5674 (2019)
Chloroplast competition is controlled by lipid biosynthesis in evening primroses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 40.
5 (5), S. 525 - 538 (2019)
Control of retrograde signalling by protein import and cytosolic folding stress. Nature Plants 41.
42 (3- SI), S. 854 - 873 (2019)
Molecular signatures associated with increased freezing tolerance due to low temperature memory in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell and Environment 42.
176 (3), S. 2251 - 2276 (2018)
Plant Temperature Acclimation and Growth Rely on Cytosolic Ribosome Biogenesis Factor Homologs. Plant Physiology 43.
46 (16), S. 8114 - 8132 (2018)
A genome-wide scan for correlated mutations detects macromolecular and chromatin interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nucleic Acids Research 44.
8, 216 (2018)
Primed primary metabolism in systemic leaves: a functional systems analysis. Scientific Reports 45.
16 (4), S. 939 - 950 (2018)
Metabolite and transcript markers for the prediction of potato drought tolerance. Plant Biotechnology Journal 46.
10, 51 (2018)
Promising Metabolite Profiles in the Plasma and CSF of Early Clinical Parkinson's Disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 47.
12, 226 (2018)
Metabolomic Profiles for Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Stratification and Disease Course Monitoring. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 48.
4 (45 (D1)), S. D1021 - D1028 (2017)
PlaMoM: a comprehensive database compiles plant mobile macromolecules. Nucleic Acids Research 49.
8, 2048 (2017)
Characterization of the Wheat Leaf Metabolome during Grain Filling and under Varied N-Supply. Frontiers in Plant Science 50.
45 (10), e80 (2017)
AssemblX: a user-friendly toolkit for rapid and reliable multi-gene assemblies. Nucleic Acids Research