Publikationen von Z. Nikoloski

Zeitschriftenartikel (195)

Wendering, P., Arend, M., Razaghi-Moghadam, Z. & Nikoloski, Z. Data integration across conditions improves turnover number estimates and metabolic predictions. Nature Communications 14, (2023).
Águila Ruiz-Sola, M., Flori, S., Yuan, Y., Villain, G., Sanz-Luque, E., Redekop, P., Tokutsu, R., Küken, A., Tsichla, A., Kepesidis, G., Allorent, G., Arend, M., Iacono, F., Finazzi, G., Hippler, M., Nikoloski, Z., Minagawa, J., Grossman, A. R. & Petroutsos, D. Light-independent regulation of algal photoprotection by CO2 availability. Nature Communications 14, (2023).
Andreou, G. M., Messer, M., Tong, H., Nikoloski, Z. & Laitinen, R. A. E. Heritability of temperature-mediated flower size plasticity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Quantitative Plant Biology 4, (2023).
Omranian, N. & Nikoloski, Z. CUBCO+: prediction of protein complexes based on min-cut network partitioning into biclique spanned subgraphs. Applied Network Science 7, (2022).
Wiszniewski, A. A. G., Uberegui, E., Messer, M., Sultanova, G., Borghi, M., Duarte, G. T., Vicente, R., Sageman-Furnas, K., Fernie, A. R., Nikoloski, Z. & Laitinen, R. A. E. Temperature-mediated flower size plasticity in Arabidopsis. iScience 25, (2022).
Orf, I., Tenenboim, H., Omranian, N., Nikoloski, Z., Fernie, A. R., Lisec, J., Brotman, Y. & Bromke, M. A. Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Analysis of a Pseudomonas-Resistant versus a Susceptible Arabidopsis Accession. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, (2022).
Huß, S., Judd, R. S., Koper, K., Maeda, H. A. & Nikoloski, Z. An automated workflow that generates atom mappings for large-scale metabolic models and its application to Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 111, 1486–1500 (2022).
Mbebi, A. J., Breitler, J.-C., Bordeaux, M., Sulpice, R., McHale, M., Tong, H., Toniutti, L., Castillo, J. A., Bertrand, B. & Nikoloski, Z. A comparative analysis of genomic and phenomic predictions of growth-related traits in 3-way coffee hybrids. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 12, (2022).
Matz, T., Wang, Y., Kulshreshtha, R., Sampathkumar, A. & Nikoloski, Z. Topological properties accurately predict cell division events and organization of shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development 149, (2022).
Hashemi, S., Razaghi-Moghadam, Z., Laitinen, R. A. E. & Nikoloski, Z. Relative flux trade-offs and optimization of metabolic network functionalities. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 20, 3963–3971 (2022).
Liu, Z., Østerlund, I., Ruhnow, F., Cao, Y., Huang, G., Cai, W., Zhang, J., Liang, W., Nikoloski, Z., Persson, S. & Zhang, D. Fluorescent cytoskeletal markers reveal associations between the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton in rice cells. Development 149, (2022).
Küken, A., Langary, D. & Nikoloski, Z. The hidden simplicity of metabolic networks is revealed by multireaction dependencies. Science Advances 8, (2022).
Tong, H., Nankar, A. N., Liu, J., Todorova, V., Ganeva, D., Grozeva, S., Tringovska, I., Pasev, G., Radeva-Ivanova, V., Gechev, T., Kostova, D. & Nikoloski, Z. Genomic prediction of morphometric and colorimetric traits in Solanaceous fruits. Horticulture Research 9, (2022).
Wendering, P. & Nikoloski, Z. COMMIT: Consideration of metabolite leakage and community composition improves microbial community reconstructions. PLoS Computational Biology 18, (2022).
Wendering, P. & Nikoloski, Z. Genome-Scale Modeling Specifies the Metabolic Capabilities of Rhizophagus irregularis. mSystems 7, (2022).
Calderan-Rodrigues, M. J., Luzarowski, M., Monte Bello, C. C., Minen, R. I., Zühlke, B. M., Nikoloski, Z., Skirycz, A. & Caldana, C. Proteogenic Dipeptides Are Characterized by Diel Fluctuations and Target of Rapamycin Complex-Signaling Dependency in the Model Plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, (2021).
Treves, H., Küken, A., Arrivault, S., Ishihara, H., Hoppe, I., Erban, A., Höhne, M., Moraes, T. A., Kopka, J., Szymanski, J., Nikoloski, Z. & Stitt, M. Carbon flux through photosynthesis and central carbon metabolism show distinct patterns between algae, C-3 and C-4 plants. Nature Plants 8, 78–91 (2021).
David, Z., Swart, C., Graf, A., Arrivault, S., Tillich, M., Proost, S., Nikoloski, Z., Stitt, M., Bock, R., Mühlhaus, M. & Boulouis, A. Topology of the redox network during induction of photosynthesis as revealed by time-resolved proteomics in tobacco. Science Advances 7, (2021).
Hashemi, S., Razaghi-Moghadam, Z. & Nikoloski, Z. Identification of flux trade-offs in metabolic networks. Scientific Reports 11, (2021).
Angeleska, A., Omranian, N. & Nikoloski, Z. Coherent network partitions: Characterizations with cographs and prime graphs. Theoretical computer science 894, 3–11 (2021).
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