Publikationen von A. Ivakov

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Sulpice, R., Ishihara, H., Schlereth, A., Cawthray, G. R., Encke, B., Giavalisco, P., Ivakov, A., Arrivault, S., Jost, R., Krohn, N., Kuo, J., Laliberte, E., Pearse, S. J., Raven, J. A., Scheible, W.-R., Teste, F., Veneklaas, E. J., Stitt, M. & Lambers, H. Low levels of ribosomal RNA partly account for the very high photosynthetic phosphorus-use efficiency of Proteaceae species. Plant, Cell and Environment 36, 1276–1298 (2013).
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