Publikationen von C. Krämer

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Krämer, C.; Boehm, C.R.; Liu, J.; Ting, M. K. Y.; Hertle, A. P.; Forner, J.; Ruf, S.; Schöttler, M. A.; Zoschke, R.; Bock, R.: Removal of the large inverted repeat from the plastid genome reveals gene dosage effects and leads to increased genome copy number. Nature Plants (2024)
Hölscher, M.; Forner, J.; Calderone, S.; Krämer, C.; Taylor, Z.; Loiacono, F.V.; Agrawal, S.; Karcher, D.; Moratti, F. G.; Kroop, X. et al.; Bock, R.: Expression strategies for the efficient synthesis of antimicrobial peptides in plastids. Nature Communications 13, 5856 (2022)
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