
Zeitschriftenartikel (74)

Hannemann, J.; Poorter, H.; Usadel, B.; Blaesing, O. E.; Finck, A.; Tardieu, F.; Atkin, O. K.; Pons, T.; Stitt, M.; Gibon, Y.: Xeml Lab: a tool that supports the design of experiments at a graphical interface and generates computer-readable metadata files, which capture information about genotypes, growth conditions, environmental perturbations and sampling strategy. Plant Cell and Environment 32 (9), S. 1185 - 1200 (2009)
Howell, K. A.; Narsai, R.; Carroll, A.; Ivanova, A.; Lohse, M.; Usadel, B.; Millar, A. H.; Whelan, J.: Mapping Metabolic and Transcript Temporal Switches during Germination in Rice Highlights Specific Transcription Factors and the Role of RNA Instability in the Germination Process. Plant Physiology 149 (2), S. 961 - 980 (2009)
Mutwil, M.; Ruprecht, C.; Giorgi, F. M.; Bringmann, M.; Usadel, B.; Persson, S.: Transcriptional Wiring of Cell Wall-Related Genes in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 2 (5), S. 1015 - 1024 (2009)
Piques, M.; Schulze, W. X.; Hoehne, M.; Usadel, B.; Gibon, Y.; Rohwer, J.; Stitt, M.: Ribosome and transcript copy numbers, polysome occupancy and enzyme dynamics in Arabidopsis. Molecular Systems Biology 5, S. 314 (2009)
Rotter, A.; Camps, C.; Lohse, M.; Kappel, C.; Pilati, S.; Hren, M.; Stitt, M.; Coutos-Thevenot, P.; Moser, C.; Usadel, B. et al.; Delrot, S.; Gruden, K.: Gene expression profiling in susceptible interaction of grapevine with its fungal pathogen Eutypa lata: Extending MapMan ontology for grapevine. BMC Plant Biology 9, S. 104 (2009)
Sulpice, R.; Pyl, E. T.; Ishihara, H.; Trenkamp, S.; Steinfath, M.; Witucka-Wall, H.; Gibon, Y.; Usadel, B.; Poree, F.; Piques, M. C. et al.; von Korff, M.; Steinhauser, M.-C.; Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Guenther, M.; Hoehne, M.; Selbig, J.; Fernie, A. R.; Altmann, T.; Stitt, M.: Starch as a major integrator in the regulation of plant growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (25), S. 10348 - 10353 (2009)
Usadel, B.; Poree, F.; Nagel, A.; Lohse, M.; Czedik-Eysenberg, A.; Stitt, M.: A guide to using MapMan to visualize and compare Omics data in plants: a case study in the crop species, Maize. Plant Cell and Environment 32 (9), S. 1211 - 1229 (2009)
Wang, H.; Schauer, N.; Usadel, B.; Frasse, P.; Zouine, M.; Hernould, M.; Latche, A.; Pech, J. C.; Fernie, A. R.; Bouzayen, M.: Regulatory Features Underlying Pollination-Dependent and -Independent Tomato Fruit Set Revealed by Transcript and Primary Metabolite Profiling. The Plant Cell 21 (5), S. 1428 - 1452 (2009)
Zanor, M. I.; Osorio, S.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Carrari, F.; Lohse, M.; Usadel, B.; Kuehn, C.; Bleiss, W.; Giavalisco, P.; Willmitzer, L. et al.; Sulpice, R.; Zhou, Y. H.; Fernie, A. R.: RNA Interference of LIN5 in Tomato Confirms Its Role in Controlling Brix Content, Uncovers the Influence of Sugars on the Levels of Fruit Hormones, and Demonstrates the Importance of Sucrose Cleavage for Normal Fruit Development and Fertility. Plant Physiology 150 (3), S. 1204 - 1218 (2009)
Crowhurst, R. N.; Gleave, A. P.; MacRae, E. A.; Ampomah-Dwamena, C.; Atkinson, R. G.; Beuning, L. L.; Bulley, S. M.; Chagne, D.; Marsh, K. B.; Matich, A. J. et al.; Montefiori, M.; Newcomb, R. D.; Schaffer, R. J.; Usadel, B.; Allan, A. C.; Boldingh, H. L.; Bowen, J. H.; Davy, M. W.; Eckloff, R.; Ferguson, A. R.; Fraser, L. G.; Gera, E.; Hellens, R. P.; Janssen, B. J.; Klages, K.; Lo, K. R.; MacDiarmid, R. M.; Nain, B.; McNeilage, M. A.; Rassam, M.; Richardson, A. C.; Rikkerink, E. H. A.; Ross, G. S.; Schroeder, R.; Snowden, K. C.; Souleyre, E. J. F.; Templeton, M. D.; Walton, E. F.; Wang, D.; Wang, M. Y.; Wang, Y. Y.; Wood, M.; Wu, R. M.; Yauk, Y. K.; Laing, W. A.: Analysis of expressed sequence tags from Actinidia: Applications of a cross species EST database for gene discovery in the areas of flavor, health, color and ripening. BMC Genomics 9, S. 351 (2008)
Doehlemann, G.; Wahl, R.; Horst, R. J.; Voll, L. M.; Usadel, B.; Poree, F.; Stitt, M.; Pons-Kuhnemann, J.; Sonnewald, U.; Kahmann, R. et al.; Kamper, J.: Reprogramming a maize plant: transcriptional and metabolic changes induced by the fungal biotroph Ustilago maydis. Plant Journal 56 (2), S. 181 - 195 (2008)
Lein, W.; Usadel, B.; Stitt, M.; Reindl, A.; Ehrhardt, T.; Sonnewald, U.; Boernke, F.: Large-scale phenotyping of transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum) to identify essential leaf functions. Plant Biotechnology Journal 6 (3), S. 246 - 263 (2008)
Lohse, M.; Krueger, P.; Hannemann, J.; Nagel, A.; Stitt, M.; Walther, D.; Usadel, B.: Robin - Microarray Experimentanalyse leicht gemacht. GenomXPress: Informationen aus der Deutschen Genomforschung 3, S. 16 - 17 (2008)
May, P.; Wienkoop, S.; Kempa, S.; Usadel, B.; Christian, N.; Rupprecht, J.; Weiss, J.; Recuenco-Munoz, L.; Ebenhoeh, O.; Weckwerth, W. et al.; Walther, D.: Metabolomics- and proteomics-assisted genome annotation and analysis of the draft metabolic network of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics 179 (1), S. 157 - 166 (2008)
Rautengarten, C.; Usadel, B.; Neumetzler, L.; Hartmann, J.; Buessis, D.; Altmann, T.: A subtilisin-like serine protease essential for mucilage release from Arabidopsis seed coats. Plant Journal 54 (3), S. 466 - 480 (2008)
Sreenivasulu, N.; Usadel, B.; Winter, A.; Radchuk, V.; Scholz, U.; Stein, N.; Weschke, W.; Strickert, M.; Close, T. J.; Stitt, M. et al.; Graner, A.; Wobus, U.: Barley grain maturation and germination: Metabolic pathway and regulatory network commonalities and differences highlighted by new MapMan/PageMan profiling tools. Plant Physiology 146 (4), S. 1738 - 1758 (2008)
Usadel, B.; Blaesing, O. E.; Gibon, Y.; Retzlaff, K.; Hoehne, M.; Guenther, M.; Stitt, M.: Global transcript levels respond to small changes of the carbon status during progressive exhaustion of carbohydrates in Arabidopsis rosettes. Plant Physiology 146 (4), S. 1834 - 1861 (2008)
Morcuende, R.; Bari, R.; Gibon, Y.; Zheng, W.; Pant, B. D.; Blaesing, O.; Usadel, B.; Czechowski, T.; Udvardi, M. K.; Stitt, M. et al.; Scheible, W.-R.: Genome-wide reprogramming of metabolism and regulatory networks of Arabidopsis in response to phosphorus. Plant Cell and Environment 30 (1), S. 85 - 112 (2007)
Osuna, D.; Usadel, B.; Morcuende, R.; Gibon, Y.; Blaesing, O. E.; Hoehne, M.; Gunter, M.; Kamlage, B.; Trethewey, R.; Scheible, W.-R. et al.; Stitt, M.: Temporal responses of transcripts, enzyme activities and metabolites after adding sucrose to carbon-deprived Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Journal 49 (3), S. 463 - 491 (2007)
Rotter, A.; Usadel, B.; Baebler, S.; Stitt, M.; Gruden, K.: Adaptation of the MapMan ontology to biotic stress responses: application in solanaceous species. Plant Methods 3, S. 10 (2007)
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