Publikationen von S. Wienkoop

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Wienkoop, S.; Zoeller, D.; Ebert, B.; Simon-Rosin, U.; Fisahn, J.; Glinski, M.; Weckwerth, W.: Cell-specific protein profiling in Arabidopsis thaliana trichomes: identification of trichome-located proteins involved in sulfur metabolism and detoxification. Phytochemistry 65 (11), S. 1641 - 1649 (2004)
Glinski, M.; Romeis, T.; Witte, C. P.; Wienkoop, S.; Weckwerth, W.: Stable isotope labeling of phosphopeptides for multiparallel kinase target analysis and identification of phosphorylation sites. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17 (14), S. 1579 - 1584 (2003)

Buchkapitel (1)

Morgenthal, K.; Wienkoop, S.; Wolschin, F.; Weckwerth, W.: Integrative profiling of metabolites and proteins: improving pattern recognition and biomarker selection for systems level approaches. In: Metabolomics: Methods and Protocols, S. 57 - 75 (Hg. Weckwerth, W.). Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ, USA (2007)

Review Article (2)

Review Article
Reumann, S.; Babujee, L.; Ma, C.; Wienkoop, S.; Siemsen, T.; Antonicelli, G. E.; Rasche, N.; Luder, F.; Weckwerth, W.; Jahn, O.: Proteome analysis of Arabidopsis leaf peroxisomes reveals novel targeting peptides, metabolic pathways, and defense mechanisms. Plant Cell 19 (10), S. 3170 - 3193 (2007)
Review Article
Trevaskis, B.; Colebatch, G.; Desbrosses, G.; Wandrey, M.; Wienkoop, S.; Saalbach, G.; Udvardi, M. K.: Differentiation of plant cells during symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Comparative and Functional Genomics 3 (2), S. 151 - 157 (2002)
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