#wonachsuchstdu: Max Planck Day on September 14th, 2018

Young filmmakers explore the Max Planck Campus in Potsdam-Golm. In Berlin, a science party takes place.

September 10, 2018
On the occasion of the Max Planck Day on 14 September, the Max Planck Institutes of Molecular Plant Physiology and for Gravitational Physics will present a joint project with the Potsdam Voltaire School: Students of the Media and Communication course shot films at both institutes this summer, which are now being premiered. Scientists from both institutes are also taking part in the evening Science Slam in the Festsaal Kreuzberg in Berlin.

2018 marks the 160th anniversary of its namesake Max Planck, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics 100 years ago. Also, the Max Planck Society was founded 70 years ago. Three reasons to share interest and joy in research with as many people as possible. Throughout Germany, Max Planck Institutes will be holding events on 14 September 2018. Anyone can also ask questions in advance online at #wonachsuchstdu and get in contact with the scientists.

Film premiere in Potsdam-Golm

In a joint event, the Max Planck Institutes for Gravitational Physics and of Molecular Plant Physiology together with the Voltaire School, will show films that the students have shot at the institutes. The students were responsible for the whole production: they have also edited and soundtracked their movies by themselves. The aim of the project was to give the young filmmakers an insight into research and let them find out for themselves how exciting science is. During the Max Planck Day on 14.9.2018, the students and teachers will visit the two institutes in Potsdam-Golm, exchange ideas with the scientists on site and present their short films to them.

After the presentation at the Max-Planck-Day the movies will be available at our Youtube-Channel and of course in our media library here. The movies are in German only.

Science Party in Berlin

The eight Max Planck Institutes in Berlin and Brandenburg will offer a program at the interface of performance, art and science at the Festsaal Kreuzberg from 7 p.m. onwards. Scientists from Brandenburg will take part in a Science Slam which is part of the program: Nils Fischer, doctoral student at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, will be answering the question “How do black holes sound?”. Dr. Luiza de Barros Dantas from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology will show that plants have a sense of rhythm and Jonnel Anthony Jaurigue from the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces wants to develop a vaccination against malaria.

The nationwide Max Planck Day 2018

The physicist Max Planck asked questions that set the world in motion. His scientific heritage, quantum physics, has changed physics, raised many new questions and made the latest technologies possible.

2018 marks the 160th anniversary of Max Planck's birthday, exactly 100 years ago he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, and 70 years ago the Max Planck Society was founded – Germany's most successful scientific organization.

In the more than 80 Max Planck Institutes, scientists from a wide range of disciplines are now researching at the limits of our current knowledge. Because, as Max Planck said: “The application must be preceded by recognition.”

The nationwide Max Planck Day is aimed at all people interested in research and anyone else who is curious: #wonachsuchstdu invites all visitors to ask their own questions about the research topics of the Max Planck Society, for example at wonachsuchstdu.mpg.de.

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