Let's talk about tea: healthy drink or lifestyle beverage?


  • Datum: 04.05.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 19:00 - 20:15
  • Vortragende(r): Alisdair Fernie
  • Prof. Dr. Alisdair Fernie, Research Group Leader “Central Metabolism”, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-Golm Dr. rer. nat. Mario Lorenz, Research Fellow, Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Medical Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology (CCM), CCR – Center for Cardiovascular Research Dr. Thomas Henn, Member of the Executive Board, German Tea & Herbal Infusions Association
  • Ort: Online | Livestream @Youtube
  • Kontakt: pr@mpimp-golm.mpg.de
Let's talk about tea: healthy drink or lifestyle beverage?
The genome of the original tea plant could meanwhile be decoded. Does the information gained from it provide the possibility of cultivating particularly healthy tea plants or even varieties requiring less fertilizer than traditional plants?
The genome of the original tea plant could meanwhile be decoded. Does the information gained from it provide the possibility of cultivating particularly healthy tea plants or even varieties requiring less fertilizer than traditional plants?

What does “healthy tea” actually mean? Are there already any scientific studies revealing more details on the effectiveness of ingredients on the human body? Which ingredients play a special role in this context?

And how do tea traders deal with the topic of “healthy tea”? Is it possible to observe a history of how tea as a luxury commodity developed to become a lifestyle product for health-conscious customers? What does tea-drinking stand for today, and what are the future trends?

Make yourself comfortable with a nice hot cup of your favourite tea and join us on a journey through the world of tea!

More information: Max-Planck-Forum: Tea

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